Judging by what tries to pass itself off as “objective arbiter” of what is important for you to know…apparently so.
Some of us know better!
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.
So, if you haven’t heard the good news (albeit it, very unsurprising), the US Senate voted to not impeach PRIVATE CITIZEN Donald J. Trump over the weekend 57-43. I shouldn’t need to tell anyone how Michigan’s US Senators embarrassed themselves voted.
No Chief Justice from the Supreme Court presiding. Patently obvious evidence tampering by democrats. Sheer naked hypocrisy from democrats when own actions were highlighted.
But why should something like that get in the way of good political kabuki theater?
The talking head shows went into a tizzy yesterday. You had “strategists” from the republican & democrat party trying to rationalize this blatantly unconstitutional act.
I’m not going to bore readers with hours of adults acting like petulant children because they didn’t get their way. But I do want to share one excellent clip of an adult, President Trump’s lawyer Michael Van Der Veen, taking CBSN journalist activist Lana Zak to the woodshed. If you want to see an excellent example of what happens when you stand up to propagandists, that clip can be viewed here.
Sadly, this isn’t the last of it. Not by a long shot.
More RINO’s are beginning to appear on the radar (i.e. McConnell)
The democrats are going to throw everything including the kitchen sink at him because…um, it beats having to show actual leadership.
And that has worked out well for them…when?
Let me wrap this up on the plus side with a nice summary by DJT Jr.
“Trump beats impeachment. Dems in disarray. The Lincoln Project burnt to the ground. The RINOS in the GOP establishment exposed & collapsing. Cuomo & Dem Govs in free fall. The media depressed and lashing out at Dems for their impeachment fail. #MAGA ascending again!“
Stay Free.
Short follow-up to a previous piece regarding more “unusual deliveries” made within Cobo Hall the night during last year’s election fraud.
The Gateway Pundit released a new video showing a second vehicle making “special deliveries” of its own and escorting the van from the previous video dropping off “legal ballots” which were sitting in open US Mail trays and not secured in any way, shape or form. Don’t even bother asking how human chain of custody was ever documented.
As expected, the local media wasted no time in circling the wagons attacking the first video.
They made the same dismissive arguments claiming that the witnesses to election fraud were either ignorant of how the process works, or trotted out their own experts to refute.
One such “expert” is Christopher Thomas who claims that nothing illegal or inappropriate occurred. Nope, no conflict of interest there whatsoever.
For the record, Christopher Thomas worked directly for Detroit City Clerk Janice “Speed Racer” Winfrey.
The same Janice Winfrey who overseen multiple citywide elections that were rife with voter problems (i.e. poll books out of balance, voter records not up to date, problems any legitimate clerk who cared about their job would have fixed years ago, etc.)
He also failed to mention anything about an unknown car driving around inside of Cobo Hall.
The second video can be seen in its entirety here.
In an interesting twist to the farce that is the Detroit/Wayne County Clerks Office, new video has been found from the cameras inside of Cobo Hall showing VERY late night deliveries from the loading dock area (H/T to Gateway Pundit).
Video showing a late model White Ford Transit Van with City of Detroit logos on it was seen making at least two deliveries at around 3:30am and 5:00am Wednesday Morning and unloading numerous cardboard boxes (NOT sealed voting boxes nor sealed voting bags) which were then wheeled into Cobo for counting.
{More below}
To say that keeping up on actual LEGITIMATE news recently is an understatement.
Between what has essentially become an increasingly deafening echo chamber from the cancel culture obsessed progressive media and their democrat party masters, actual bona fide news is still out there, just skillfully hidden from the masses.
From President Trump’s call to, um, I’m not sure exactly what it was he said to trigger the snowflakes in Congress. But whatever it was, it was sufficient to get them to pass one of the quickest bills I’ve ever seen in my lifetime and impeach him a second time. Great job at misdirection, BTW! All of the attention from last year’s election fraud was masterfully redirected elsewhere. Whew, that was a close one! Let the people’s agenda commence!
Say, how does that whole impeachment a second time work after the 20th anyways? The politicians pushing for this and the pundits were a little fuzzy with their logic.
In case anyone is still unsure about what Pres. Trump really said, feel free to watch the entire speech here (don’t worry, it won’t get banned anytime soon).
Then we have the ominous “unspecified threats, from unknown origin” calling for violence across America this week.
Does anyone know about any “protests” schedule this week, because I certainly have not heard of any? And I spent a better part of my day texting, e-mailing and calling people to get to the bottom of that.
Still, it’s amazing what turns up with just a little bit of digging.
{You know the drill}
Hearings are set to commence in Lansing tomorrow (December 1st), pertaining to the widespread election fraud that has taken place around Michigan earlier this month, according to Michigan United for Liberty.
Details are to be forthcoming from MUFL pertaining to Committee(s) and Times.
The Michigan House and Senate are BOTH scheduled to be in session. A copy of the Committee Meeting schedule can be found here.
Despite what Michigan media is spoon-feeding to the entire state in industrial-sized quantities, the matter of addressing election fraud is still in play (hear that SML Shirkey and Speaker Chatfield!).
Also, MUFL is requesting that all Patriots submit FOIA requests to Gov. Whitmer and SoS Benson’s respective offices regarding Dominion voting machines. Instructions can be found at the bottom of this page.
I will pass along more information as it becomes available.
The Senate Oversight Committee will be hearing testimony regarding the election fraud at Cobo Hall (aka TCF Center) beginning at 10:15am today in the Binsfield Office Building, 201 Townsend Street, Room 1100.
Per Wuhan virus panic porn protocol, they WILL be limiting the number of people who will be allowed inside to testify. I have no information regarding their mask policy inside of that building.
If you wish to address the committee and are unable to attend/enter the chamber, you may submit your comments to this e-mail address.
The Committee Meeting will also be streamed at this link.
If anyone wishes to read up on the blatant and outright theft which occurred last month, I have included multiple links to the affidavits President Trump’s legal team have submitted in this and on other posts.
My advice if you wish to speak: Arrive early.
I DO NOT know if there will be anything scheduled outside, but according to my snitches, the other side DOES NOT have anything scheduled…do with that for what you may.
I do not have any information if anyone from President Trump’s legal team will attend in person.
The shameful and cowardly actions of certain “leaders” within the Michigan Republican Party have done what they could to make that as difficult as humanly possible.
Let that one sink in for a moment!
Members of the Michigan Republican Party actively sabotaging efforts to address election fraud.
Speaking personally, I certainly hope that representatives from his legal team do make an appearance.
Well, it’s in the hopper.
Yesterday afternoon, Rep. LaFave introduced HR 324 to initiate impeachment proceeding against one Gretchen Esther Whitmer.
Take you pick on which one is the best reason:
The bill has been referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
It’s fate is inexplicably in limbo given SML Shirkey and Speaker Chatfield’s rather unusual tactic of waving the white flag, even after they both criticized the untold damage her actions have wrought on Michigan’s economy and general well being given her “orders” this year alone.
When you let a petulant child run wild for as long as you both have, and fail to act as a responsible adult (you know, that office you ran for), what other possible outcome did you expect?
My advice to readers, light up the phone lines, people!
YOUR elected officials can be reached here and here.
It’s now or never!
I guess that he has never heard of something called “e-mail” (or even a facsimile machine or even a telephone).
Isn’t technology grand?
Not content to get upstaged by his democrat comrades down the street with how far they are willing to break the law in order to steal the election (and win “brownie points” within the MDP), Macounb County Clerk Fred Miller decided to take his time in letting his fellow clerks within Macomb County know when voters should be removed from the rolls.
According to Channel 7 (yes, the same Channel 7 that practically tripped over itself to run cover for the voting debacle at Cobo Hall), Clinton Township Clerk Kim Meltzer received last week a stack of death certificates of Macomb County Voters to be removed from voter rolls.
The problem?
Those death certificates arrived on November 6th…days after their votes had been counted.
I shouldn’t have to remind anyone that dead people cannot vote here in Michigan.
Even when the clerk has access to a Ouija Board.
Nope, sorry, can’t do it no matter how much you want it to be so.
Naturally, Macomb County Clerk Fred Miller could not be bothered to respond.
Not that it matters much. He will be out of that office on Friday Morning, January 1st!
Short update from my earlier post today.
After waking up and finding that my phone has blown up with texts, I’ve been told by my sources onsite that the City of Detroit is up to its old tricks when it comes to election shenanigans.
After a pallet of ballots (yes, I said pallet), mysteriously appeared without any documentation as to its source, Detroit election officials began to play games with observers by letting Republican Poll Watchers leave the ballot counting room in Cobo Hall throughout the day, but would NOT let their replacements enter the room, claiming that their numbers were “violating” Detroit’s Wuhan Virus policies.
When things began getting contentious after being locked out (and Detroit PD called on scene), Detroit election officials began covering the windows to the room, so that no outside observers could see what was happening inside.
Just a quick reminder to readers that this isn’t the fist time that Detroit election officials have played games with elections.
During the ’16 Presidential Election, Detroit election officials couldn’t reconcile an issue where 59% of the precincts poll books did not match the results from the polling machines.
Back in August of this year, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers were made aware of problems with counting being done incorrectly (i.e. counting beginning before the required poll books were available) and how insecure the ballots were in transit to Cobo Hall for counting.
NUMEROUS issues with poll books were reported in a subsequent meeting.
And, of yeah, I cannot forget to mention how large amounts of AV ballots mysteriously went “missing”.
It should be noted that the Vice Chair of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, is one Jonathan C. Kinloch. Aide to Gretchen Whitmer and Chairman of the 13th Congressional District Democrats (“The Mighty 13th”). Along with that brief introduction, he has a very interesting history not included in his bio that I may go into at a later date.
So not getting too far off topic, where was our Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson at during all of this?
Stay tuned…
Scratch that!
Nope, nothing irregular or questionable happening here!
Even more incriminating footage (start watching at 5:27 mark).
Anyone want to take a wild guess as to how many election protocols have been violated in just that above clip alone?