KG One

I think that it is time to begin filling out a scorecard before May 5th.

Otherwise known as “What's good for thee, but not for me (con’t).

Breaking from the republican kakistocracy’s latest rope-a-dope on the Grassroots (aka Dave Agema’s “controversial comments” brouhaha), it is important to note that Governor’s Snyder’s plot to raise the Michigan Sales Tax 16.7% is beginning to pick up a few supporters.

On the plus side; So is the opposition.

And what interesting bedfellows are beginning to appear.

{Continued below}

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(2)

And why does this sound so familiar?

So, stop me if you’ve heard this one before:

“When you look at the last four years, we hardly did anything for working-class families as far as tax relief.” – Michigan State Senator Jack Brandenburg – January 2015 (from today’s Detroit News)

“What do I look like, an ATM machine here?” – Gov. Rick Snyder, September 2013 (AEI speech)

Ummmmm, yeah.

{And if wishes were horses, we’d all be eating steak. Continued after the fold}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Want to see what a Michigan republican party-backed $195-million Taxpayer funded bailout of Detroit gets you?

Just to be on the level, I’m not going to bring back stories about grossly overpaid art museum CEO’s and their boards, not-so secret loans to art museum CEO’s, and art millage scams promoted against Tri-County Taxpayers.

Feel free to use that search window in the upper-right corner if you’re inclined to read more about it.

No, I’m going to talk about what the good people in the Snyder/Calley/Weiser/et al republican machine are in effect helping to promote with your own hard-earned tax dollars.

Just a quick warning to those who wish to continue: The remainder of this post does contain some graphic and disturbing descriptions.

Consider yourselves warned!

{Continued after the fold}

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Why wait?

It's time for the creation a statewide "Tax Me More" Fund. Just think of the possibilities.

When I got back in range of Michigan radio stations this morning and caught the diabetes-inducing, sugar-coating that Gov. Snyder and the proponents of this road funding sham were trying to spoon-feed Michigan Taxpayers, several things came to mind.

Take a sip…you’ll enjoy it!!!


You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Hey, who wants to pay a higher gas tax?

“It’s a first step. It’s a big step – don’t get me wrong. In a bipartisan way, the Michigan Senate was ready to say, `We want to fix roads and we’ll take tough votes to do it,”‘ said Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, a Monroe Republican.

“What I would say is the House action doesn’t get us there fast enough or far enough. It also creates major consequences to schools and local partners — that I don’t want to see negative things happen to them,” said Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.

And these guys are “republicans”?

So, who’s thirsty?

{Not to fear, more below the fold}

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(4)

Yeah, but can we trust him?

Dovetailing on the good news from Trucker Randy yesterday, according to today’s Detroit News, Speaker Bolger has declared that BOTH HB-5959 (Rep. Foster) and HB-5804 (Rep. Singh) to be dead this year.

***Side note to Chad Livengood: Both bills were written to create a protected class in Michigan, NOT prohibit discrimination. I will be more than happy to cite numerous examples in Kentucky, New Mexico, Oregon ,Texas and New York (just for starters) to prove you otherwise. I shouldn’t have to remind you that you are a reporter, not an editorial page writer.***

{Still, I’ve got more after the fold}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

Here’s your cue. Now, smile for the cameras!

Are we really getting our money's worth on roads? The real answer just might surprise you.

Hey, did you know that the sky is blue?

Okay, maybe not in your part of Michigan and maybe not at this exact moment, but just go with me on this.

Did you know that if I were to spill coffee on my lap that it would hurt? I mean really, ,really, really hurt…a lot.

Hmmmmm, I wonder if I can get anything for the suffering I’ve endured?

And did you know that Michigan Roads are in terrible shape?

I’m so glad that we have a governor who is just so well-versed in the obvious.

{Oh, you’re going to love where this is going after the fold.}

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

(Failing) School’s out… completely.

With apologies to Alice Cooper.


♪ “Well we got no choice.” ♪
♪ “All the girls and boys.” ♪
♪ ”Makin’ all that noise .” ♪
♪ “’Cause they found new toys.” ♪
♪ “Well we can’t salute, ya can’t find a flag .” ♪
♪ “If that don’t suit ya that’s a drag.” ♪
♪ “School’s out for summer .” ♪
♪ “School’s out forever .” ♪
♪ “School’s been blown to pieces.” ♪

We should never see this happen again with Taxpayer’s money…ever.

Promoters of Cloward-Piven will need to go back to the drawing board this month.

Another spigot has been turned off…hopefully for good!

{I promise: No more misusing and abusing the songs of your youth below the fold!}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

So, why aren’t we being more direct? And is this a good place to start? (see item linked at end of post)

Because we’ve seen Gadsdens flooding Lansing, over the State Income Tax hike? Medicaid expansion? The non-bailout Detroit Bailout A/K/A DIA Bailout? Doubling Tipping Fees (garbage collection tax for the mouthbreathers)?

With an alleged Republican executive branch? – Corinthian Scales November 14, 2014″

I’ll be 100% honest here, this comment from Corinthian Scales (along with Kevin Rex Hines’ follow-up…linked here) on the Snyder(Calley)/Richardville Gas Tax Hike, really bothered me over the weekend.

Despite 1,200 miles of driving and numerous other issues I’m currently juggling this weekend that aren’t exactly going according to “Plan ‘A’ “, both gentlemen’s very direct comments regarding this issue gave me reason to pause over the weekend.

Ultimately, I feel that this is a guestion that should to be addressed if the Conservative Movement here in Michigan (and elsewhere) is to have any long-lasting relevancy.

{More below the fold}

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

Hey, would you look at that? We’re right back where we started from.

Betcha didn’t see this coming:

“Today, Detroit’s five state senators stood united in supporting a major road funding package. This bill will allow us to speed up repair of Detroit’s roads and make major improvements to the bus service for our 100,000 passengers daily. With their support HB 5477 passed the Senate by a 23-14 vote. Be sure to thank Senators Virgil Smith, Coleman Young, Jr., Burt Johnson, Morris Hood III, and Tupac Hunter for their leadership and encourage your representatives in the State House to support this important legislation.”

Did anyone catch anything earlier about paying more at the pump to support mass transit?

Me neither.

Oh, and it gets better.

{Story continues below the fold}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)