Inman likely no more guilty than many others in the legislature.
I was driving through St. Louis when I got the news that Larry Inman had been indicted.
It was pretty big news. Disappointing, yet it didn’t surprise me. In fact, there has been so much ‘questionable’ activity going on in Lansing for decades that it was not surprising that a representative with a record of poor instincts would be the victim of a sting operation.
At least that is my assessment of what happened. Clearly there is pay for play in our state politics. The existence of the MEDC, and by extension any organization that profits from doing business with the state would have incentive to fill campaign coffers. Ask any one who still raises money after they have been term limited why they do so. If they don’t tell you directly, then look at their campaign statements on the debt side.
It’s not for charity.
Mistakenly express the the wrong sentiment, in a way that is contextually vulnerable, to the wrong people, in the wrong format. Then whammo! You get a Representative Larry Inman indictment.
But the GOP led house, wishing to remain unscathed in a (heavens forbid) scandal of such magnitude would prefer to let Larry off the bus, ask him to inspect the rear brake lights, and …well as one might see by now, the bus does have reverse.