Acknowledging that 5 years ago today, our nation became a better place.
Congratulations on the sobriety, Lion of the Cemetery.

Foster: Time to support employment dignity for all
— Greg McNeilly (@gregmcneilly) August 20, 2014
Welcome to the blogosphere, cupcake.
Pissant’s unhinged rant of the day.
These extremists are what Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson rightly calls the “Taliban wing” of the GOP.
Ah yes, old Babbling Brooksie is a helluva example.
While the extremists attempt to portray themselves as principled conservatives fighting against what they claim to be Republicans-in-name-only (aka RINOs), the truth is they are the pretenders.
That isn’t to say everyone in the tea party is a conservative pretender.
Far from it, actually.
Unfortunately, the mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers who filled parks and courthouse lawns four years ago were preyed upon by all sorts of hucksters and grifters, who declared themselves to be the tea party leaders.
They then aligned with extremists, themselves the descendants of the John Birch Society who were rightfully expelled from the conservative movement by Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley Jr. and Michigan’s own Russell Kirk when these three served as the political and intellectual leaders of conservatism.
That’s why political leaders and activists who were the tea party long before the tea party existed — Macomb County’s Leon Drolet comes to mind — [snip]
Bingo! Where it always leads to if one allows a platform to a moronic Millennial.
Ps. Mush-mouth Buckley’s son turned out to be a pile of dung, too.
As if, Facts Of The Day – Tuesday Edition wasn’t vomit inducing enough, take a gander…
Big Tent, my ass! It’s a swamp cesspool.
Then, there’s Jenell…
Debbie Dingell, and Lon Johnson say, “Thanks for the taxpayer funded campaign publicity, Rick!”
Mr. Anthony Amorose’s comment FTMFW
Jen Kuznicki Destroys Michigan's Lapdog Lt. Governor Point By Point. #FireCalley #RightMi #gop
— Chief Kewanoquat (@Sedenquist) August 18, 2014
When considering the many consequences of a term limited Governerd, and his unfettered ability to implement a Progressive agenda due to his reliable Generation X underling presiding over the Senate, the Tweet above links to a worthy reminder of what happens when the alleged Conservative facade of Brian Calley is removed.
Not to mention Calley’s recent “toss ’em a bone” smugness on display in Jim Thienel’s manufactured Oakland County debacle, as if he’s already got the nomination in the bag.
That’s a fact, folks.
Out falls from the closet another hired bone…
It is a time for @MIGOP Unity. #RightMI #TCOT
— Richard Anderson (@theNorthVision) August 16, 2014
It’s pretty sad when as of 9:30am that 40% of the signers are Jesse Osmer (Yes, this Jesse sitting in Benishek’s lap), and Bill Runco (Yes, legal troubles Third world voting DELE-GATE Bill).
A $1,000 to Slow-Joe for president in ’07, and now calls it “a tracker“? Good one. I suppose that, Bobby Schostak can now make the same claim about his $666 to Nancy Pelosi in ’07, and the Thousand$ to Jennifer Granholm, too. I also suppose there are some dupes out there that are actually gullible enough to buy that crap they’re being fed.
Sorry but, DIA Bailout Ron is still a weasel.
Nice try with the silencing spin, and so “strategic”…