Right, wrong, or indifferent.
Because voting for Party sucka**** Boehner and McConnell has changed anything?

Right, wrong, or indifferent.
Because voting for Party sucka**** Boehner and McConnell has changed anything?
More here.
Remember, Michigan taxpayers are robbed as well, which has to be well into the $1 billion dollar per year range now.
H/t Market Ticker
Read this: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=230575
More details here. Remember, the Magic Underpants/Nelson Rockefeller wing of this state has already circled their wagon around ¿Yeb? “Asian anchor babies” Bush. GOPe has gotta Hispander, you know?
Ps. Ken Cuccinelli could really use a big cup of STFU.
Tho, I’m rather confident the list of insufferable losers will grow ’cause… #Cuckservatives
#Michigan Republicans endorsing @JebBush: @repdavetrott, @BrooksPatterson, @TerriLLand, ex-Sen. Spence Abraham… pic.twitter.com/4dNl0OHctD
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) August 19, 2015
On a happier note it is good to see that ¿Yeb? and Barracuda Betsy DeVos’ Common Core© is going over like a lead balloon.
Exit question: it appears Schuette has time to opine here, but not so much as a peep about any of this here, and here. Why is that? “Chief law enforcement,” right?
I’m starting to develop a real disdain for this smarmy, slimy, term limited p****.
With @CindyGamrat sitting 10 feet away, @Rep_Cotter says he rejected her request to apologize to @MIHouseGOP caucus. pic.twitter.com/5yP1qT8EgO
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) August 18, 2015
Can you believe that? Team D is down to pushing “one term” of the Great White Dope with hair plugs because their relic vajayjay with cankles has Kalamazoo born, Moonslime Brotherhood troubles.
Folks, ignorance is their strength.
H/t Sundance
It rolls just like clockwork…
Hillary Clinton confirmed during a rare Q&A session with the press on Monday that she found Donald Trump’s “blood” comments about Fox News’ Megyn Kelly “outrageous.” However, she added that some comments about women’s health from Trump’s rivals at the GOP debate were equally “outrageous.”
“I said it was outrageous, I stand by that,” Clinton said of Trump’s words. “I think more people should say the same.”
More ad nauseam here
Not much more can be stated than has been stated numerous times before.