It’s good to see Bill open his eyes. I have to admit, he’s also a lot kinder than I about alkies who have *no boundaries. Next, we’ll see how many open their eyes to what Beck’s legacy is.
As always, time will tell.

It’s good to see Bill open his eyes. I have to admit, he’s also a lot kinder than I about alkies who have *no boundaries. Next, we’ll see how many open their eyes to what Beck’s legacy is.
As always, time will tell.
She gets it. Read:
Now, take a peek behind the curtains:
See that? Now that Dick and Betsy’s Common Core ¡Jeb! has proven to be a resounding dud, the GOPe’s next strategy is pushing the “Gang of 8” amnesty loving, Marxo Boobio. Doubt the billionaires within the MI-GOPe haven’t splintered in attempts to get their puppet the nomination? Well, just take a look at this guy from the Magic Underpants family who now backs Marxo Boobio’s campaign in the state. Matter of fact, five more cuckservatives outed themselves just yesterday.
The GOP can bank on that.
This ought to be fun to watch play out.
No Todd, it’s irony you elected and, endorsed as MI-GOPe approved.
Cruz surges to #1 in latest Iowa Poll! #CruzCrew
— Sen Patrick Colbeck (@pjcolbeck) December 7, 2015
Sorry, Cruzers, it only gets better for The Man who speaks RealTalk.
Now, about that $134M you voted to flush down the drain, Sen. Colbeck…
{Yawn} y’all were warned…
Thank your unscrupulous legislators for ushering in the replacements. As always, their votes can be viewed here.
Notice he mentions Common Core? Ya, me too. When 2018 comes around, remember that in Michigan.
H/t Sundance
Due to footage from yesterday’s live broadcast, please forward video to 18:50 for speaking to begin.
The UniParty’s lone anti-establishment juggernaut in this election continues on the path to the White House.
H/t Sundance
Tell me again that Progressivism isn’t a mental disorder…
20% more on January 1.
Money Rolling Into Lansing from State License Plate Tax
Annual vehicle registration revenue up 24 percent since 1990, even after inflation
Yep. Keep on blindly voting Republican, as that’ll fix everything.
INBOX: Michigan House has cancelled Thursday's session. Reps following senators out of town for nearly 3-week recess.
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) November 10, 2015
Tar, feathers, rail, politicians… some assembly required.
Sorry, we’ve got our perpetually bowing to Obama, nasally Progressive quisling, and his obedient toad, so, forget about that, Boobus Michiganderus.
Yessirree, we’re about to get the *best* energy policy that money can buy in Lansing, and get it good and hard.
H/t Sundance