I have to admit that today’s lead portion of Nolan Out Loud is absolutely pure comedy gold.
Inch by inch, step by step, slowly Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is turning, widening the door she has kept slammed shut on Michigan for so long.
Next Monday, the governor says, Michigan can join most of its neighbors in dining in restaurants, swimming in pools and shopping in stores for something other than groceries.
And we can gather 100 at a time.
But still no haircuts or pedicures. And no zoomba classes. Barbers and salons will remain closed, as will gyms. The governor can’t let go completely of her subjects.
That will come, perhaps, when Joe Biden finally selects his vice president and Whitmer will no longer be in demand on liberal talk shows.
Got that? No haircuts but, dentists can go rooting around in other people’s mouths. 🤡 🌎
Speaking of dentists… who is Michigan’s nationally known and most infamous dentist ever?