
Will Momentum Cause Freak Out In The First District?

Paging Dr Dan Paging Dr Dan - you're needed on the campaign.. STAT!

CD1-TrendOne of the surprise campaigns of the year might be in Northern Michigan where veteran Alan Arcand has just crept up on CD1’s Dan Benishek and gave him a poll wedgie.

The Arcand camp is reporting that a three day series of polls in the first congressional district show a momentum surge that has brought upstart Arcand within the margin of error. From a press release:

Iron River, MI — The campaign of Republican challenger Alan Arcand today announced the results of three polls conducted over the week of July 28, 2014. Respondent surveys indicate a distinct trend of momentum shifting towards the conservative veteran in the final week leading up to the August 5 primary election. With the favorability rating of Congressman Dan Benishek at an all time low during this campaign cycle, newcomer Alan Arcand is poised for victory against the establishment incumbent.

The average of the results over the three-day period, which include 1,875 respondents, reveal the race is neck and neck. Arcand’s chipping away at Benishek’s fiscally irresponsible voting record has gained him 47% of the vote.

Campaign manager Ben Lazarus said, “The polls show people are not happy with the job Dan Benishek is doing in Congress. They want someone who will represent them.”

The universe of potential survey respondents was geographically proportional to the 2012 Republican primary election turnout, by county.

Polling conducted by the independent research group has a margin of error of +/-3.5%.

At this point, it shouldn’t surprise.

The Heritage rated 50% Benishek campaign has all but ignored Arcand, while he (Arcand) and his family have been working non stop to establish credibility and name recognition.  Signs may not win races, but as a political sign watcher, it should be noted that Arcand signs are popping up in locations and businesses normally associated with incumbency.  Benishek signs are nearly absent.

Aug 5 is going to be fun.

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Contact: Rev. Levon Yuille: 734-657-1640


We the undersigned Black Christian pastors and leaders are writing to defend our Christian brother Gary Glenn and denounce the scurrilously false attacks accusing Gary of being associated with or in any way empathetic towards racist persons or ideas.

Voters in Midland have recently been confronted with false mailings and radio ads by the Great Lakes Education Project, or GLEP, a political action committee that has endorsed Republican candidate, Karl Ieuter.

Voters should know what’s really behind these attacks. GLEP is directed by Greg McNeilly, a prominent political operative who recently “married” another man. That’s the real reason they’re attacking Gary, who’s a widely respected leader in defense of traditional marriage between one man and one woman. In fact, Gary coauthored the Marriage Protection Amendment approved by Michigan voters in 2004.

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Our ‘Conservative’ Candidates

Why is it harder for some to speak their 'conservative' principles outside of the election cycle? Why will some avoid conservative forums?

In the Republican primary, EVERYONE is a conservative.

I have done a great deal of door knocking as a candidate for the Grand Traverse County Commission.  I have held my record out as one of conservatism, but when approaching the potential voter, its natural to introduce myself as a “constitutional conservative,” or “conservative Republican.”  Usually, the latter is used (by habit), and I can read the face of the person I am talking with so as to determine whether they want to hear anymore.

One woman I spoke to said “Conservative? Everybody is a conservative nowadays!” She then described her potential of possibly not participating in the election process any longer. She explained her disappointment with the Republican candidates who make the claim, yet hardly stand for the values that are expressed in the platform, much less hold up to the promises they make while electioneering.

She was not the only one to express this perspective.

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Weekend Reading Assignment

logo-sphereThere is so much going on; much of which deserves a spot here but takes time to chronicle.

Current Michigan Gems?

Watchdog Wire – Did Frank Foster Lie To His Constituents? Going Negative on a challenger?  Mr Foster seems genuinely scared.  Liars Lie.

FedUpUSA – Oh, So Free Water Is Next? Crazy. Just shows how completely dumbed down the spawn of progressivism is in Detroit, and in this state, and elsewhere.

Activist Post – Michigan Dept of Agri Forces Farmer to Dump 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and Break 1200 Free Range Eggs Food.  They are throwing away FOOD. Government oversight is so beneficial is it not?

The Complete Patient – Food Dump Meant To Send A Message. Indeed it is. Another look at the story above.

Say Yes To Wes Blog – A Victory in the Supreme Court. Wes Nakagiri’s take on the Supreme court ruling and his opponent’s positions.


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What A Big Baby

Being bullied by out-of-council bar fests is NOTHING compared to what goes on in DC.

After 5 months, Paul Mitchell decided he couldn’t handle the political nature and pressure of a lowly St. Clair City Council seat.

Whoo wheee!

Paul Mitchell in may of 2008, was fed up with council members who wouldn’t support his road millage (this while the banks were just starting to show cracks at the seams from declining property values) and talked behind his back.  Those meanies made him send a letter of resignation to then Mayor Bill Cedar, to inform him he was taking his marbles and going home.  He wrote regarding a millage discussion on the council:

“I believe resignation is the best course of action for me in light of my experiences in almost 5 months on council. ..”

“… several council members would support (some reluctantly) a community survey and strategic planning at an open meeting, but then have separate private conversations ..”

FIVE WHOLE MONTHS – He resigned because they talked about him and his millage planning (tax increase) behind his back. (read the rest, and in its entirety)

BuySeatReally?  Is that all it takes to scare him off?  Something that (right or not) happens in every single community every single day.  Something that would be better served by staying on and making THEIR existence more miserable.  Transparency is not served well with a side order of quitter’s soup.  Woof.

Our message to Mr Mitchell?

Toughen up puss-cake.  If you are going to buy yourself a seat in the US Congress you better damned well have the fortitude to handle the fact that most every person you speak with in DC is hiding something.



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More Plans To Place Illegal Children In Michigan

My wife and I spent a great deal of time on classes and learning how to be foster parents in the Grand Traverse Region.

Our goal was to be able to provide a short term safe shelter for children who are in need of emergency placement and to get away from dangerous situations. The temporary aspect of it did not bother us, and we ‘graduated’ the lengthy course and went into standby mode. When one situation arose where a child was in grave danger, Bethany services reached out, but our contact was overruled by the child’s counselor, and the child was left to fend for self.

Why? Because we are too political in our home.

Take it in whatever way you want. We offered assistance, and the young person in question is still to this day (as far as we know) in danger.  In the mean time, note that it is Bethany, who is plotting with the government to assist in hiding the illegal and indigent children who are invading our country.

All attendees received several handouts. One was titled, “Become a Refugee Foster Parent.”  A few minutes into the program, I began taking video and learned the truth. Bethany Christian Services presented information regarding their social programs regarding bringing “undocumented minors” to west Michigan.

Meet the Obamaliens

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Heritage Action’s Stephanie Kreuz In Traverse City

Heritage Action's Stephanie Kreuz speaks before the Traverse Bay 912 Regular Meeting July 15

Information is everything.

Some of you might be aware that the Traverse Bay 912 meets EVERY TUESDAY, and hosts different speakers on a multitude of topics. Some of an informational nature (government operations, policy etc.), and some more political. The TB912 group enjoyed the presentation of Stephanie Kreuz, and it is now a part of our video speakers series.


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Baker Farm Event With Sheriff Mack and KrisAnne Hall

SUNDAY 11AM till 5PM Rain or Shine

Go to early service and bee-line to the Baker Farm in Marion, Mi for a great time and education!

SUNDAY 11AM till 5PM Rain or Shine

From the Baker event announcement:

baker-eventFrustrated over political stalemates? You are not alone! There is a rich history to refer to and to use to change the political scene. Come and learn from nationally acclaimed speakers who have done it!

  • 11:00: Farm opens and tours start
  • 12:30: Our own “DNR approved” hog will be roasted and served for lunch, along with some of our pasture raised chickens.
  • 1:30: KrisAnne Hall and Sheriff Richard Mack take the mic.

KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor who travels the country teaching the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents. KrisAnne will connect the dots for you like no one else can! Host of The KrisAnne Hall Show, she pulls no punches, puts Liberty First and gives no quarter to those who hide behind party labels. Like no other host KrisAnne you will tell you what the founders had to say on today’s relevant issues. Learn more at KrisAnneHall.com.

Author/speaker and former Sheriff Richard Mack has served in a wide variety of roles over the course of his nearly twenty year career in law enforcement. During his tenure as sheriff, federal officers informed the sheriffs of the state that they would be required to enforce the so-called “Brady Bill” and run background checks at their expense under the law. Mack and six other sheriffs from across the country challenged the constitutionality of the Brady Bill and fought it all the way to the United States Supreme Court, where they won a monumental decision for freedom in a landmark 5-4 split decision based on the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Sheriff Mack will talk about the Constitution and a Constitutional Sheriff’s role.

Come join us for a fun and educational afternoon on the farm! Freewill donations accepted to help us bring these incredible speakers to northern Michigan.

More Information at the Bakers Green Acres website.

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