
Whoo Whoooooot!

Found on the side of some possible MDoT leased passenger cars in Cadillac today.


I guess they need this proposal to pass so that Rick Snyder can get his train set built from Ann Arbor to Traverse City after all!  All he needs are a few transportation ‘Ho’-Scale helpers to really push this thing over the rails and onto voters.

Waiting to be ‘tagged.’

I think I can..  I think I can..  I think I can..  I think I can..  I think I can..  I think I can..  I think I can..  I think I can..  I think I can..

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Another One Bites The Dust

Good news from Northern Michigan Republicans.

STOP-167About a week ago, someone told me that first congressional district Republicans were considering passing a resolution in support of Proposal 15-1.

I thought it strange, and frankly I had my doubts on how long I could tolerate such craziness if it was true.  Especially given the resolutions saying “NO” to 15-1 by delegates for most of the county parties which make up the first district. In fact, Grand Traverse County passed a resolution that was voted on by delegates and passed unanimously Feb 5.

My first instinct was spot on.

No worries in the first district.  Following the lead by the county parties within, and several other Republican districts without, the passing of a “NO” statement on 15-1 was easy at a 21 to 2 vote count.  Well done first district Republicans.

The resolution as passed is below the fold.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Say No To Proposal 15-1 Rally April 15

Opposing proposal 15-1 are the overtaxed citizens from BOTH sides of the spectrum.

Traverse City-Protest

Photo from actual Traverse City Protest.

It could possibly be an unusual gathering April 15.

Given the fact that most conservative Republicans and the left-of-center Democrats agree that the May 5th proposal is an unmitigated disaster, its possible they might actually walk side by side at 11AM in Front of the Traverse City Post Office on Tax Day. If one watches the polling results, follows through by reading the comments on the major media pro 15-1 shill attempts, one might walk away thinking the only the political class centrists are the ones who really really want this garbage.

Holding breath on working together? Not entirely.

However, what a treat it would be to shove this bad medicine down the throat of the cronyist Snyder and his milquetoast minions.  The mantra of there being “no plan B” is worn out already.  Putting taxpayers into a corner might elicit thoughts of the wolverine that is threatened once this play is done.  Higher taxes hurt the left as much as the right, and passage of this boondoggle is a constitutionally guaranteed increase of taxes every single year.

Where:  In front of Traverse City Post Office on Union and State St. 
When:   11 am till 1 pm or as long as you can.  April 15th tax day (Depending on size we may walk to the Parkway and Union St.)     Appropriate signs please.

If you are in the area on April 15 at 11AM, join 15-1 opponents to say NO to higher taxes.

You Betcha! (26)Nuh Uh.(1)

Michigan Budget At A Glance

As we go forward, these tools will be made available for a spot check on the Governor’s priorities.

This chart represents most of the Michigan spending based on Rick Snyder’s 2015 budget. The only section missing is the $5 million spent on the executive office.  The amounts shown here represent the TOTAL spending in any one area.  Additional charts showing more complete breakdowns of moneys spent and the sources will be made available as there is time.  The chart will also be modified to note the changes from the time Snyder took office in 2011 all the way through the 2016 desired numbers. (click on the image to enlargen)


Note the significant increases in the community health (medicaid expansion), Treasury (MEDC, revenue sharing)  and school aid areas.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Kurdys On Common Core In Traverse City

There is more of a problem with common core than bizarre math.

Melanie Kurdys is probably the foremost expert on the common core curriculum in Michigan.  She has logged hundreds of hours speaking on the topic and making folks aware of the ruination of our educational system.

In this video Melanie speaks to the Traverse Bay 912 group at one of it’s weekly meetings.


You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Getting The Message Out

RightMI.Com readership can make a difference in the effort to defeat the $2 Billion Dollar tax increase.

STOP-167Scales reminds us yesterday that all it takes is 50% +1 to “entrench this mess into our constitution.”

Even the polling a month out that shows the crushing defeat of this boondoggle, but we need to be aware that it probably ought not be trusted.  People are fickle, and the herds of Michigan voters are carefully being prodded along using every tool in the toolbox.

On this site there are no fewer than 70 articles directly or otherwise related to proposal 15-1.  Each of them highlighting a failure of leadership, misuse,  or misrepresentation of resources and fact with regard to the stewardship of our transportation dollars.  We are doing our part to make folks aware that all-is-not-as-it-seems in our state capitol.

But our readership is not the entire population of the state.  (even though it should be)

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(0)

Citizenship – The Conclusion

" .. Immigration policy should first benefit the citizens and lawful residents of the United States. "

presidentReflection on the 14th amendment along with historic reference in parts I and II.

Wrapping up with the conclusion, we have a treat. Fuscaldo answers the questions many have had about a recent high profile announcement.  Enjoy!


An essential part of United States immigration policy is based on the executive branch’s current practice of extending birthright citizenship to children born in the United States whose parents are either illegal aliens; a temporary nonresident alien (guest worker) living in the United States, or aliens lawfully in the country for a limited time and purpose.

This practice has never been authorized by any statute or court decision. There is no Supreme Court decision squarely holding that children born in the United States to illegal aliens or temporary nonresident aliens (guest workers) living in the United States are automatically citizens of the United States.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(2)

Citizenship? Part II

AnchorIn Citizenship? Part I, Fuscaldo begins to discuss the 14th amendment.

We continue his essay with executive law, congressional acts, and some historic background.

by James Fuscaldo (continued)

Executive / Administrative Policy on Birthright Citizenship

Advocates for granting automatic citizenship to children born to illegal aliens or temporary nonresident aliens (guest workers) living in the United States always focus on the first requirement of birth.They allege birth on United States soil alone guarantees United States citizenship. These advocates also argue that the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction” simply means being susceptible to police authority (i.e. being required to follow American laws, pay fines for violations and be subject to the police powers of the Federal and State Courts). This interpretation creates a redundancy in the Fourteenth Amendment.


All people born in the United States are subject to the laws of the United States. Accepting the argument that the phrase, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”, simply means subject to police power turns a critical and carefully written Citizenship Clause of the Constitution into a redundancy. It also gives the Clause an interpretation that is contrary to the recorded Congressional debate before its adoption, and to the principles of legislative construction and interpretation.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)