Happy Halloween!
Be safe and watch what your pumpkins are doing to the environment.
Bwahahahahahahahahahah!!!! <-evil laugh.
Bwahahahahahahahahahah!!!! <-evil laugh.
Last night's debate revealed the true order of things.
I really dislike having to cry foul about the ‘mainstream’ media.
Michigan has its own media issues, much of it protecting the bad actors in Lansing. Some of it locally even pursuing its own agenda. But in the national scene?
Indeed, after last night’s CNBC GOP debate, it will be a lot easier to do so. After the assault of “Do you still beat your mother” line of questions to a number of the candidates, it was apparent that there was no intention of talking about policy and the crushing debt our nation faces. The only purpose any liberal media outlets might have in such an event is to personally destroy each and every viable GOP contender for Team D’s advantage.
However, after Ted Cruz (to the right) said what needed to be said, it was clear the candidates would not be victims for the remainder of the carnival.
It simply got better from there. With little to no ‘friendly fire,’ in the balance of the show, there was something to cheer about from nearly all of the candidates.
The mistake in Sunday's Record Eagle was undoubtedly not purposeful, however ..
It is unnecessary to dig the hole any larger or deeper.
The Traverse City Record Eagle editors have been bombarded with negative FB posts, and probably filled in boxes since the posting of Sunday’s page three error. They have been accused of having an agenda that is anti gun, and purposefully going after the ‘headline readers;’ those folks who scan the newspaper and rarely read the content.
It was a doozy of a mistake, and likely one they painfully regret. And however unlikely it is that the newspaper would try such a thing purposefully (I am sure it was not intentional), it does underscore one aspect of today’s journalism.
The “shooter” key is used more frequently in the newspaper environment than the “backspace” key.
It is pre-programmed whenever there is a mass killing (unless abortion is involved) anywhere in the county. In the front page response to the mistake and its ‘notoriety’ the editors apparently cannot accept that their own perspective and that programming has not perhaps led to this unfortunate error. The image to the right suggests such an attitude.
Its tough to be the news I suppose.
Has storytelling become pre-programmed to present a specific perspective?
A terrible thing happened in Oklahoma on Saturday.
And a curious thing happened in Traverse City Michigan the next day. The local paper, often cited for its liberal leanings presented a distorted view of the tragedy that occurred October 24, 2015. The story was pre-programmed accurately for the newspaper outlet, but somewhere in the editorial process, a bit of Freudian process has emerged perhaps?
One should think that the picture above from the hometown paper is a curious thing to see in the hyperactive anti-gun atmosphere of mass media. Of course, a retraction has already been issued by the Traverse City Record Eagle.
H/T Andy Marek
Normally, the gratuitous renaming of a bridge or stretch of road is to a loyal longtime bureaucrat.
Sure, there are people deserving of recognition for their work, and for most of the world, it normally happens with a decent (when earned) retirement. However, being eternally disappointed with the self serving ‘public service employees’ who find one way or another to pat themselves or their friends on the back, it’s a bit of a relief to see someone’s ( a genuine hero) name going on an impressive structure who has actually earned it.
BREVORT — An Upper Peninsula bridge was dedicated to Petoskey native and Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator (Navy SEAL) Heath Robinson on Saturday.
Robinson was raised in Petoskey and graduated from the Petoskey High School in 1995. He was killed in action more than four years ago on Aug. 6, 2011, when his Chinook helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan.
Robinson’s memorial naming was attended by a couple hundred, including family, friends, and multiple veteran honor guards.
Below are some photos from the service on Saturday.
AFP: Michigan Should Join States Refusing Compliance with EPA’s Power Grab
“Any regulatory road we choose leads to the same federally defined destination,” says Lund
Lansing, Mich. – Michigan can and should join other states that are refusing compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s power grab. That was the message from the grassroots free-market group Americans for Prosperity-Michigan in response to an announcement from the Michigan Agency for Energy that the state would develop a blueprint for reaching “targets” imposed by the Obama Administration under the so-called Clean Power Plan.
“Michigan shouldn’t put up with the Obama Administration’s regulatory bullying tactics at the expense of energy consumers,” said Pete Lund, state director of Americans for Prosperity-Michigan. “It is just ridiculous to believe Michigan can maintain control of our energy future if we cave to the EPA’s demands. Any regulatory road we choose to include in our state blueprint leads to the same federally defined destination—one that even President Obama acknowledges will result in higher prices for consumers.”
Today marks a whole year of additional expense levied on Michigan employers.
Its been a whole year since the new minimum wage law (crafted by ‘republicans’) required employers to ante up a little more.
Sept 1, 2014 was the demarcation point for the stepped increases signed into law by Rick Snyder that will eventually bring the minimum outlay for the entry level workforce up to $9.25 and hour.
The rates are as follows:
Effective Date | Minimum Hourly Wage Rate |
Tipped Employee Hourly Wage Rate |
85% of Minimum Hourly Wage Rate |
Before September 1, 2014 | $7.40 | $2.65 | $7.25* |
September 1, 2014 | $8.15 | $3.10 | $7.25* |
January 1, 2016 | $8.50 | $3.23 | $7.25* |
January 1, 2017 | $8.90 | $3.38 | $7.57 |
January 1, 2018 | $9.25 | $3.52 | $7.86 |
Nothing says conservative ‘Republican’ like statist moves forcing it’s small business to pay more than a person’s labor is worth. Next stop is January 1, 2016. If they cannot raise taxes on you one way, they will do it in so many others.
Congratulations Michigan.
Pass the party favors.
Michigan congressman expects post office to travel through time for his constituents.
We all know they do it.
But it hardly makes it right. ‘Franking’ has been used by sitting politicians to expressly ‘inform’ constituents, and cleverly advantage their public budget in electioneering efforts. Incumbency has its privileges. Congressman Dan Benishek, holding true to DC assimilation, doesn’t even hide the abuse in any meaningful way.
In a recent ‘Franking’ mailer, his announcement of an upcoming event celebration arrives far too late for those he supposedly wishes to inform.
A reader sends this in:
Short sighted grant based planning leaves a community in worse shape financially.
Reposted from grow.tc
Grand Traverse County residents have for the most part, been kept in the dark about the truth surrounding Dams removal.
There have been stories covering the removal process, and no doubt most folks are familiar with the mistakes made during the removal process, but what is the back story behind the entire affair that needs to be told? Who did what, and why is it being done?
However, the as-demonstrated limited attention span of most of the electorate who read this must confine it to some previously unpublished facts. Take it for what you will.
In September and October of 2008, a survey was taken to quickly gauge public knowledge/concern/interest in dam condition/repair/options. The executive summary noted that it was as much informal, as looking for opinion:
“The Public Opinion Survey developed and administered through this project was not designed as a referendum or a statistically valid sample of public opinion. Rather, the Survey and associated Informational Booklet were intended to inform and engage the general population while offering another opportunity for public participation. The Surveys were distributed as broadly as feasible given time and funding limitations between September 23 and October 10, 2008.”
Of course, the “public participation” is quite limited when removal meetings are held mid afternoon, on weekdays when many who might otherwise be engaged, are busy working.