
NPV Debate Thursday

Thursday November 29 debate on Pros/Cons of the absurd NPV manipulation scheme.

Sadly, there are Republicans in our legislature stupid enough who need more convincing about the perils of a national popular vote.

I’ve said my piece time and again, and apparently its not enough to overcome the Hawaii bribery schemes moving our ‘conservative’ mushheads back on track.  Norm Hughes has challenged NPV Shill and fifth columnist Saul Anuzis to a debate on the merits (or lack thereof) of the NPV.  The debate will happen November 29th at the Pontiac Country club, and the doors open at 6:30PM.

Pontiac Country Club
4335 Elizabeth Lake Rd
Waterford Twp, MI 48328

Doors open 6:30PM



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Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving from Rightmi.com

Some great works pop into the mailbox from time to time.

Something I personally try to do DAILY, is give thanks to my Maker and Provider.  It costs nothing, it takes no time out of my day, and I can honestly feel the power it gives back for exercising a little humility in the presence of God’s works.

There are others who feel this way.  We are empowered by our faith, our personal culture and most importantly our gratitude for so much that we have been given.  From FEE’s What Ten Lepers in the Book of Luke Can Teach Us about Gratitude:

” In his 2008 book, Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier, Robert A. Emmons, who spent years studying gratitude, wrote that

grateful people experience higher levels of positive emotions such as joy, enthusiasm, love, happiness and optimism, and that the practice of gratitude as a discipline protects a person from the destructive impulses of envy, resentment, greed and bitterness.

One would think this would make gratitude easy for us. Who doesn’t want to be happier and more successful? Alas, gratitude, for all its merit, is not something easily embraced, evidence suggests.

The most obvious example, of course, is the presence of the “victimhood culture,” which has turned grievance into a fad. There is indeed something odd and troubling about an ideology that stokes the embers of our resentment, particularly in a time and place enjoying unprecedented wealth and opportunity.

No victimhood message here.  Only full blown gratitude.

Click on the link and read the rest, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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See, We Told You So.

No fewer than a dozen warnings that this would happen ..repeatedly.

Scales just commented this grand disaster.

From the people who watch such things, we just wanted to remind you that the fix you thought was there? Wasn’t.  As reported in the Detroit News Detroit schools need mo money:

“Without state support to address its growing capital needs, Detroit’s public school system poses a potential threat to Detroit’s economic revitalization, Moody’s Investors Service said Tuesday.

The rating agency said for fiscal 2019, the Detroit Public Schools Community District has budgeted $9 million in capital expenses, out of a budget of roughly $760 million. Detroit’s school buildings have $500 million in capital needs and deferred maintenance.”

Disappointing, yet not altogether surprising.

Before giving anymore, perhaps Michigan’s investors actually look at who gets da money?

Anyhow, it never should have happened to begin with.

I have solutions for any of these school issues.  If anyone in the game really wants to fix it once and for all, feel free to reach out.  It would take a little courage, but the repair would last forever.

[call me]
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In The End

Some things that must be said about the election of Nov 6

There was Chaos

The election of Nov 6 revealed much about our future, and what makes up a significant part of the voting public in our state. Michigan is now subject to the whims of estrogen,THC, envy, and puddle brained TV watchers.

Beginning Jan 1, we have a Governor who lies about her mother’s health care to get elected. Who advocates the further expansion of medicaid, but will not accept it in the family dental business. Who participates in the Vagina monologues; not from some little poetry club, but from the capitol steps in a way that makes Donald Trump’s worst days seem civil.

Beginning January 1, we have a Secretary of State who oversees our elections, but apparently couldn’t take the time to notice that workers in her office in 2010 were engaging in election fraud.  should there be any surprise if they will find suitable jobs for their efforts in the new administrations?

Beginning January 1, a nutty lesbian will be the Attorney General of Michigan.  While this may seem an abusive way to describe our state’s next top lawyer, it is actually objective and accurate, if only from observing the personal way in which she treated her staff and the in-your face ways she flouts her unnatural life choices.

Beginning January 1 and if of age, you can get buzzed, high, stoned, wasted, crunked, etc., ..legally.  You can carry around blunts, dope, weed, reefer, Mary-jo, Burrito, bag, and more ..legally.  You still cannot drive with it in your system however, so try to figure out how best to crawl to that factory job without getting behind the wheel playa.

Beginning January 1, the old gerrymandering scheme is out!  The NEW Gerrymandering scheme is in!  Only THIS TIME, it will be with the assistance of the Secretary of State who embraces election fraud. With the new 2020 census and fresh ‘apolitical’ eyes, what could possibly go wrong?

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In The Beginning

The very first time Michigan experienced 'Gerrymandering'

There was Chaos.

The 1961 Michigan Con-Con created a new way of apportioning districts.

Though it had not done away with geographical consideration that had existed for most of the 20th century to that point, it created the commission under which Four Republicans, and Four Democrats, and Four (if any 3rd party received 25% of the vote) 3rd party commissioners.  And as expected, the first commission was deadlocked.

The apportionment plan went before the Michigan Supreme Court, and the Republican plan was ruled as being as close to the apportionment rules as either plans, and ordered to be in effect.  In the meantime, the US Supreme Court applied a 1962 case (Baker V. Carr) which opined the authority over apportionment matters to Reynolds v. Simms, establishing the ‘one person, one vote’ apportionment standard.

This changed everything.

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RightMi.com Nov 6 Voter Guide

Our (probably not surprising) picks for tomorrow's big vote.

This ought to be simple enough.

Starting off with the premise that the Democrat Party has gone off the deep end, I will save a lot of you the time by recommending that none of those from the D brand are worthy of anyone’s vote.  The #PartyOfCrime has earned it’s hashtag, as well as a few more derogatory labels.

From the top to the bottom, it has defamed honorable persons on the national stage, to those locally deciding to not even show up.  Brett Kavanaugh was publicly abused in a frenetic way that has never before been seen. And locally, we have a Democrat county commission candidate who forgot to let folks know she was moving 80 miles away before the election.

Ya know, while I don’t like to get too serious about some things, I believe that when selecting those who represent us in our Republic, it means something.  Elections have consequences, and civil discourse is somewhat tough when dealing with those who cannot respect process or even take a leadership role seriously.

In any event, we start at the Governor’s race.

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Be Like Johnny

Johnny would fall for anything.. well, ALMOST anything.

Frankly, I am running out of time to be doing all of the animations etc..

In any event, enjoy this informational piece. It  is my latest on Prop 2.  It would make a GREAT RADIO SPOT if someone wanted to do the buy. Well, actually, it runs a little long, but what the heck.

Anyhow, have a great weekend.

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Michigan Benefits From Trump Tax Cuts

All of Michigan residents are winning from the Republican tax reforms.

The left would have you believe that only billionaires are the winners from the GOP/Trump tax reform measures.

While some claim the tax cuts only increase the debt, the reality is that the economy must expand, it must grow.  It is only growth that can support the already ballooned national debt, and it is only growth that can free those who are chained to dependence on others including services that cost taxpayers so much.

So is it the rich who are the sole beneficiaries of the tax reforms?  In Michigan alone, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.  From Bonuses, to lowered utility bills, the tax breaks extend to all, and allow the state’s economy to expand and create new opportunities that The Democrats would prefer you didn’t see.  Democrats like Debbie Stabenow, who wouldn’t support such performance increasing reforms.

Americans for Tax Reform have documented specific financial benefits (by state) that have developed as a result of Republicans taking the queue from President Trump. They report that:

Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the Republican congress and signed by President Donald Trump, 90 percent of wage earners have higher take-home pay. And companies of all sizes are already giving bonuses and raises and expanding the scope of their operations.

Michigan specific benefits are as follows:

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Vote NO on Proposal 2

All of our informational videos made on Michigan's proposal 2 in one place.

All five of the videos created to let folks know what a disaster proposal 2 would be for Michigan. The latest video is first. The remainder below.

The bottom line is that proposal 2 is merely a change to a different form of gerrymandering. One that does its best to exclude one side, and make the process irreversible by eliminating answerability to the voters.

If you value accountability in Michigan politics, you MUST make sure all of your friends and family members understand what is at stake.

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