
April 8 2020 – I Told You So

Its getting harder to trust our government when they continue to ..mislead.

There are on average 2.8 Million deaths each year.

And you can take this to the bank: 2020 will not have any statistical anomalies. The ‘experts’ at the CDC have now admitted that the method of counting includes the mere presence of the disease.

In the meantime, we recognize the ability in which this virus can spread.  However, hydroxychloroquine works, and can protect those who are at risk of actually succumbing to this disease.

The governor, while eagerly restricting what SHE considers non-essential has an administration that put the fear of God into physicians not so very long ago.  We called it out then, and are still adamant that closure is no longer needed for most areas of the state.

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Our representatives want to help.

Democrats and Republicans want to be on the same page while fighting the Kung Flu.

So reps Annette Glenn, and Mary Whiteford are taking no chances.  They have offered to assist the governor of Michigan in making sure that no medical product channels are being blocked in Michigan.

Whiteford the Chair, and Glenn as committee member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, have penned a letter to the governor offering their leverage and help if in fact there are shenanigans (as the governor alleges) that would block life saving assistance from being distributed in Michigan.

They issued the letter below today :

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Message Received

Michigan's LARA backslides on its jack-boot thuggery - A Little.

Someone whispered into her ear: “If you don’t find a way to walk that threat made to doctors back, you will find a Stiletto jammed up your backside so fast ..”

The Director of Michigan’s Licensing agency Debra Gagliardi has ‘refined’ her message to suggest that all they were talking about with regard to Hydroxychloriquine was that hoarding was a concern.  Though not entirely sanctioning the use of the antimalarial drug as a cure for this new public health threat, the softened tone of LARA in its newest release is clear: “Doctors do what you gotta do!”

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Restoration PAC Releases NEW John James Ad

Ad scheduled to start airing tomorrow reminds that Peters is just an AOC follower.

DOWNERS GROVE, IL – Restoration PAC today announced a new statewide TV ad buy in the Michigan Senate race drawing the distinction between dynamic outsider John James and go-with-the-flow career politician Gary Peters.

Restoration PAC has been a strong supporter of James since 2017.

The :30 ad airs across Michigan starting Saturday and runs two weeks. The buy is approximately $280,000. It will be supplemented by at least $10,000 in digital advertising.

The new ad again hits Peters on his cagey support of the Green New Deal. Peters told the Detroit News he supports “many aspects” of the radical plan, but has been non-responsive about specifics.

“I can’t think of a contest anywhere in America where voters will have a starker choice,” said Restoration PAC founder Doug Truax. “On one hand, you have John James, a combat veteran and accomplished outsider with fresh ideas versus Gary Peters, a reliable, go-along career politician who supports many aspects of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.”

Restoration PAC’s first Michigan TV ad aired last November and focused on Peters’ non-specific support for the Green New Deal.

Restoration PAC was formed in 2015 and since has become one of the most effective conservative SuperPACs in America. It has focused primarily on U.S. Senate races but has also launched TV and digital advertising in the 2016 presidential race and several House races.

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My Brother George

The guy you didn't know, but should have.

Rarely, I post on the passing of someone on the blog.

But it isn’t often that someone who has impacted me in a way that warrants it.  In 2010, it was my mother, and in 2019 it was Norm Hughes.  Other honorable mentions have happened, though direct impact was not the reason for sharing my thoughts.

If you have ever used a video disc, you could thank George.  Bought cheap CDs or DVDs?  It was a pretty cool development that brother George developed in his optical plastics career, speeding up times and making the CD revolution happen.  Your eyeglasses?  It was his garage chemistry which made it so that you probably aren’t carrying around heavy glass any longer.

OK, he wasn’t my brother  ..brother.  But was a warrior.  He was my brother in arms, and pushed me to get involved in areas I never had considered, and with positive results.  He read this blog, and loved to read all of the authors, and had a few favorites.

George started with nothing.  In fact if it is possible, he started with less than nothing.  His childhood would have earned urgent visits from CPS if it were to exist today.  While a roof over one’s head is good, going to bed with a glass of water next to the bed that would have a film of ice in the morning is not.

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Breaking! Michigan Wants You DEAD!!

LARA instruction clarifies the intent of Michigan to keep its citizens SICK

This is not a drill.

In the email inbox today is an instruction to physicians to REPORT any use outside of the ‘normal’ (accepted use) of hydroxychloroquine or lose their licenses.  The following is the exact text: and available on their FB page as well

Dear Licensed Prescribers and Dispensers:

The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs has received multiple allegations of Michigan physicians inappropriately prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine to themselves, family, friends, and/or coworkers without a legitimate medical purpose.

Prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine without further proof of efficacy for treating COVID-19 or with the intent to stockpile the drug may create a shortage for patients with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or other ailments for which chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are proven treatments.  Reports of this conduct will be evaluated and may be further investigated for administrative action.  Prescribing any kind of prescription must also be associated with medical documentation showing proof of the medical necessity and medical condition for which the patient is being treated.  Again, these are drugs that have not been proven scientifically or medically to treat COVID-19.

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