Daily Archives: August 16, 2018

Clarification and Update

Request to rescind/remove co-sponsorship of the Roe V Wade resolution made the day after.

I am committed to the truth.

Whether or not the initial record of cosponsoring is some freakish inexplicable mistake, Tonya Schuitmaker DID apparently request removal from the list of cosponsors of the resolution in question.

This image is apparently the request made the day after the journal date.

A couple things are strange however.  It does not say “Please correct the record to reflect that I DID NOT cosponsor this resolution”  And.. (as a side thought)  Medicaid expansion in Michigan IS abortion funding.

I will make sure any comments on her behalf are included, as I rarely filter except for the spam we often receive.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(3)

Oh Tonya!

Tonya Schuitmaker pro Roe v Wade a disturbing development

An Attorney General can ‘decide’ not to defend the constitution.

A state AG can decide based on personal motivation to pursue (or not) just about anything that strikes their fancy.  This is why it is important to understand the core beliefs of those whom we might elevate to such a position.

Imagine if the contentious Roe v. Wade were to be sent back to the states so that the state of Michigan could decide.  Would the AG support the efforts to protect the sanctity of life; protect the unborn from the brutality of abortion on demand?  Where would the AG’s conscience lay?

Those who support the Right to Life might be troubled by the following from Senate Journal 15 of 2017:

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(5)

Schuette #NeverTrump Pick Disappointing

GOP Nominee reverts to comfort zone.

We already knew Bill Schuette’s choice for Lt. Governor Lisa Posthumus Lyons’ words:

“Demeaning women and disrespecting others is unacceptable behavior. I am raising four kids to stand up for others, to love their neighbor, to exemplify respect and integrity. I do not tolerate anything less from my kids, and I will not tolerate anything less from someone who wants to be President of the United States,” she wrote in 2016.

She wrote that she had remained quiet until then out of respect to voters who had chosen Trump as the nominee, “But it is clear that Donald Trump has not earned my respect or my vote.”

Apparently, she didn’t give that vote to him either.

This morning’s radio audio has Tim Skubick asking if she voted for him.  She replied with “I support President Trump and the policies that are coming out of his administration. ” or some other variation of this, but for the three times she was asked, three times she avoided directly answering the question.

Clearly, she didn’t vote for the president in the general election of 2016.  It is understandable that in the primary other Republicans might get the vote of the flag bearer, or flag bearer jr.  Hell, we all had our favorites.  But when the choice in the general means electing a Republican or promoting a dedicated criminal enterprise, it seems a person of reasonable intelligence might choose the former.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)