It sure has been a good one!
The title might be just a tiny exaggeration, but any thinking person might understand what we’re talking about.
2017, the year where the unimaginable played out in the U.S.A. When Republican Donald Trump took the reins back from the ultra left wing Democrat party, the Hillary apologists in the media were humiliated daily, and the desperation of the left to regain it’s power led to the #MeToo ‘movement’ and subsequent self destruction of key left wing politicos and personalities.
The new Donald Trump reality is one that has proven to be fruitful for retirement accounts with unheard of new highs in market confidence and new commitments to American industry and innovation. As regulatory burdens have been lifted, the promise of full employment, and income increases are now appearing to be the next sure thing.
Its the Economy stupid.
Or at least it was 25 years ago, when Bill Clinton’s campaign said so. Now with all the most positive news about the American work and manufacturing sector happening, pollsters would tell us that the president is only enjoying the lowest polling numbers, but of course same said pollsters predicted a Hillary win in November of 2016 as well, so..