Daily Archives: December 10, 2015

Ann Corcoran is one Sharp Lady

She gets it. Read: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/2015/12/09/speaker-ryan-blasts-trump-over-muslim-ban-can-we-hear-grover-in-his-words/

Now, take a peek behind the curtains: http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/12/08/common-sense-points-for-pundits/

See that? Now that Dick and Betsy’s Common Core ¡Jeb! has proven to be a resounding dud, the GOPe’s next strategy is pushing the “Gang of 8” amnesty loving, Marxo Boobio. Doubt the billionaires within the MI-GOPe haven’t splintered in attempts to get their puppet the nomination? Well, just take a look at this guy from the Magic Underpants family who now backs Marxo Boobio’s campaign in the state. Matter of fact, five more cuckservatives outed themselves just yesterday.


The GOP can bank on that.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(1)