Think this will fly???
Just sent this out to a few Chairs, and posted it on FB…bring on the comments…
Resolution on the restoration of apportioned convention delegates for the 2016 Republican National Convention
Whereas the State Rules Committee, after to 2012 Presidential primary election, did amend the rules of the Michigan Republican Party to award all Republican National Convention delegates to Mitt Romney over the protests of the party members;
Whereas this decision did cause and effect a change in the 2012 Presidential campaign due to the favoring of one candidate over another;
Whereas a significant portion of the Michigan Republican Party and 2012 Presidential primary voters were summarily ignored as a direct result of this decision; and
Whereas “winner take all” Presidential primaries affect candidate campaign strategies to the detriment of lesser financially viable candidates, thus stifling serious debate; now therefore be it
1. Resolved, that the Michigan Republican Party (MIGOP):
1. adopt a rule establishing the State Presidential primary contingent of Republican National Convention delegates as apportioned by county result;
2. establish such rule by floor vote of 50% plus one of the delegates to the February 20th, 2015 State convention, effective immediately upon approval of said delegates;
3. require a two-thirds majority of a full State convention to revoke apportioned national Presidential delegates.
So moved by:_____________________________________
Supported by:_____________________________________
Supported by:_____________________________________
Adopted by majority vote, this ______ day of _______________________, 2015
___________________County Republican Party
You Betcha!
(8)Nuh Uh.