Daily Archives: August 9, 2014

Lessons from the Primary Election

They don’t call it the establishment for nothing  Establishment candidates won many races.  They have the inside track on fundraising, endorsements, and organization.  Notably, several winning conservatives, including Lana Theis, Jim Runestad, Jason Sheppard, and Triston Cole had substantial establishment support.

Be the establishment  One answer to this is to become the establishment.  Lana Theis and Triston Cole are both former county party chairs.  It takes time to build political connections, but it pays off eventually.

Experience counts  Elected experience is valuable for winning candidates.  Lana Theis, Jim Runestad, Jason Sheppard, and Gary Glenn have all been elected to local office.

If at first you don’t succeed  Tom Barrett, Todd Courser, and Triston Cole have all lost elections before, but gained valuable experience in the process.  This time, they won their primaries.  Candidates who lost this time should look for opportunities to run again in the future.

Build a brand  Lana Theis, Gary Glenn, Cindy Gamrat, and Todd Courser are known across Michigan for advocating conservative causes.  This provides a larger fundraising base to tap when you run for office.

Don’t Ignore Social Issues  In recent years, conservatives have shifted much more emphasis to fiscal issues.  While these issues are vitally important, conservative candidates should not ignore social issues.  Notably, three conservative victors, Todd Courser, Gary Glenn, and Lee Chatfield, are all known as strong defenders of traditional marriage.

Don’t split the vote  In several districts (45, 47, 58, 73, 104), several conservative candidates split the vote and allowed a more moderate candidate to win.  Conservatives who care more about the cause than themselves should meet and agree on one candidate to support.

Money doesn’t buy elections  Self-funding candidates have a bad electoral track record.  Notably, Paul Mitchell and Brian Ellis, who both spent millions of their own money trying to get elected to Congress, lost handily.  Self-funder David Trott did win, but that had more to do with Kerry Bentivolio’s weak campaign.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(2)

Has Your TEA Party Group Been Co-opted By the Michigan Republican Party?

I received an email titled “Monroe Republicans Events” from the Patriots of Southeast Michigan and when I replied to inquire why they were sending out events promoting a liberal Richardville group of Republicans I received this reply below. Patriots of Southeast Michigan Logo

I post information, not necessarily endorsing it. If any true conservatives have the courage to participate and try to influence Monroe Republicans, more power to them.~ Sara. The stated mission of this group is as follows: Patriots of Southeast Michigan  is a “non-partisan” group dedicated to holding elected officials accountable to the Constitution and to sharing information and tools to support, encourage, and connect like-minded citizens.

For those unaware Glenda Kennon is Senator Randy Richardville’s mother.

Below is the email I received and below that is an email Glenda sent out advocating “planned parenthood” also of note both Glenda Kennon and Randy Richardville sit on the Monroe Right to Life board.

Subject: Monroe Republicans Events
Date: 8/3/2014 6:12:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: grassroots@patriotsofsoutheastmichigan.org

Monroe Republicans – Events
from Glenda Kennon, 2nd V.Chair Republican Exec. Committee, Monroe County

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(2)

Wackobirds of a Feather Frolic together.

Maybe the comment “I got the wackos under control.” was never meant to apply to the Tea Party???

So promised by none other than Ron Weiser, 2014 candidate for U of M Regent.

Was actually aimed at the Mckinley Corps. Gulfport LGBT friendly LGBT-centric apartment complex, a major sponsor of St. Pete Pride and hosts LGBT events throughout the year.

Or maybe He was referencing the influence his contribution to planned parenthood of Washtenaw County Would get Him??

Or Possibly, He just meant he Had his Wife under control,who was part of a 4/13 State Board of Education unanimous resolution supporting in-state tuition at Michigan Universities for ILLEGALS!

“I got the wackos under control.” Boy I sure hope you do Ron! You affiliate with enough of them???



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Focus and Frank Foster

Singling in on one major reason for the defeat of incumbent Frank Foster

A quick note on something that cannot be stressed enough.

The fraud of the homosexual lobby and its intent on redefining civil rights, marriage, and decency must end.  A friend of mine says “homosexuality is the door through the heart, in which the devil can steal your soul.”  The reference of course, speaks to the ‘we love’ meme used to defend the behavior as normal.  He is correct.


Is there really any civil rights comparison to be made between a ‘sweet transvestite’ and Rosa Parks?

As uncomfortable as the issue is to some folks, it needs to be highlighted as one of the greatest dangers of our times.  Not because there are prowling homosexuals looking to capture and sodomize our children, but because it is even worse; we have doctors, teachers, and political leaders who will tell us that a dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle is OK, and normal, and ought to be protected.

Protected alongside of those who have suffered for merely having the wrong skin color, or have been born in the wrong lands. Sanctioned through civil rights legislation that has liberty stealing force of law behind it.

In Northern Michigan, a good thing happened Tuesday.  Frank Foster, a man who by virtue of his lunch dates in Lansing alone, should not be representing the 107th district was voted off the animal farm.  Voted most desirable date to go to the Capitol prom by lobbyists, he was a top recipient of food and drink topping Randy Richardville the Senate majority leader in 2013.

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