Michigan Right to Life has just issued its endorsements for the 2014 primary. RTL swings a significant number of Michigan primary voters, so its endorsements will decide some races.
RTL will recommend all candidates if they are all pro-life, but if there is a serious non-pro-life candidate, they will pick one pro-life candidate to endorse. Their noteworthy endorsements are listed below.
3. RTL endorsed Brian Ellis over Justin Amash. They did not endorse Amash in 2012. They apparently are still ticked over Amash not voting to defund Planned Parenthood (he opposed targeting a specific organization). This may complicate Amash’s reelection.
4. John Moolenaar. Does this mean that self-funding businessman Paul Mitchell is not pro-life? Tea partier Peter Konetchy is also running.
6. Fred Upton is again endorsed, despite his long pro-abortion record.
8. Both Mike Bishop and Tom McMillin
11. Kerry Bentivolio over Dave Trott
State Senate:
5. Democrat Shanelle Jackson in this Detroit-based VRA district
13. Four meet criteria (all but Al Gui)
17. Both Republican Dale Zorn and democrat Doug Spade
20. Margaret O’Brien over Ron Zuiderveen
28. Both Kevin Green and Peter MacGregor
31. Mike Green over Kevin Daley
37. Both Greg MacMaster and Wayne Schmidt
State House:
19. Both Cox and Crider meet criteria
30. No endorsement for Jeff Farrington
36. All meet criteria
38. Kathy Crawford over Dan Lauffer
42. Lana Thies. Rich Perlberg is likely not pro-life.
43. All five meet criteria
44. Three meet criteria (all but Garlick)
45. All three meet criteria
47. Campbell, Day, Vaupell meet criteria
56. Jason Sheppard over Irma Kubiske
58. All seven meet criteria
59. John Bippus. Who isn’t pro-life in this primary?
61. Stinchcomb and Iden both meet criteria.
62. Bizon and Kale both meet criteria.
63. Vic Potter over David Maturen, who is not pro-life.
65. Robert Sutherby. Who isn’t pro-life in this primary?
73. Six meet criteria (all but Downs)
76. All three meet criteria
80. All four meet criteria
82. All four meet criteria
84. Six meet criteria (all but Wassa)
90. All five meet criteria
91. All three meet criteria
95. Democrat Norman Braddock
98. Both Glenn and Ieuter meet criteria
104. Seven meet criteria (all but Hinton)
105. All three meet criteria
108. No endorsement for Ed McBroom

So, Right to Life of Michigan, can endorse Democrats, and curlicue light bulb Progressive Club Upton, however, not Peter Konetchy?
Once again, why their endorsements mean nothing to me anymore. Also why they haven't received any donations in the past four years. They belong in the shitcan right next to the Butt Sex of America (if Holder's on your team it speaks volumes), and the future Sandra Fluke club.
I have to agree.
RTL made a big deal about getting enough signatures for its Abortion mandate removal from the medicaid expansion, yet it didn't assist in fighting the entire thing itself, which would have been FAR more useful.
I am STRONG pro life, and more so than ever, but RTL of Michigan remind me of the NRA, in that it shoots itself in the foot by simply appeasing incumbents and NOT holding their feet to the fire.
Thanks Corinthian Scales , you got my point. This group so called Right to Life is nothing but a proxy that promotes homosexual marriage. They are a big betrayal pretending to be conservative.
The main goal is to promote homosexual ,nothing else.
42. Lana Thies. Rich Perlberg is likely not pro-life.
I've heard that 2ndhand from a couple of sources. I have not heard a statement on that issue from Rich. I know that three candidates in the race (Lana Theis, Nick Fiani, Dale Rogers) say they are pro-life.
Rich Perlberg is pro-choice. During the Brighton Tea Party debate a couple weeks ago, he was asked the question directly from the audience, and he answered it. I wish this had gotten more publicity. But he's pro-choice and he said so himself.
That's one of the stories I've heard 2ndhand.
Since I posted that June 11th, Rich Perlberg twice has come out as pro-choice. Dale Rogers supports the "3 exceptions" Lana and Nick are pro-life.
Can't edit, so I'll add to it. Some background.
Lana is Brighton Twp Treasurer and former GOP County chair probably best known outside the area as one of the main campaign managers for the 2/3rd tax ballot question (which I supported). She's conservative.
Nick is the president of the Brighton School Board and is despised by the MEA. He's a conservative.
Dale Rogers is a teacher who ran against Bill Rogers in the 2012 primary. He's running on education issues.
Rich Perlberg is the former boss of the local paper, Livingston County Daily Press and Argus. He has a long editorial record.
JHFC! It's as if I didn't just read in other comment a few days ago about how "We're the 20% that really follow this stuff".
He's a c***breath.
Any questions?
Hmmm, why does CD-6 keep electing a jagoff like Fred Upton for the past two and a half decades? Gee, I haven't a clue.
No apologies for what I wrote above, CF. It is a crock of shit. There is no (probably) "seems" about it.
I am pro life , big time and just checked to see why I did not get a questionnaire for a possible endorsement. I called 3
times and finally I talked to this guy who was very distant and he did not send me one because he thought I did not have a chance of winning....what a joke...strong Christian with a strong pro life back ground...he finally hung up....makes you wonder if this is about money or the unborn babies. Perhaps the president should retire. Thirty years is a long time and the funding is way down from what it use to be. Long live the American dream and stand up for what you believe in..I am and I am planning on winning.....I sent a letter to the main office with a CC: to all board members and did not receive one call back....shame when I am willing to take a tall stand for our unborn...there is still time to say ok as I am the only one running in the 49th that is a true pro life
WHY can't you just post a LIST OF PRO LIFE INDIVIDUAL'S IN MICHIGAN? Cannot find any information on these Judges up for re-election...….just won't vote for any of them.
Right to Life's endorsements are here. There is a list of judges endorsed at the end.