Busy weekend so, short and sweet.
Natural Gas to Wind Energy: You’re Nothing Without Me
Been saying it for years, “so, when you going to cut off its gas supply?” All should go brush up on this stuff before we all get stuck with more of it. A good starting point can be found here, and here.
“Alternative energy, let us never forget, is just that: an alternative to energy.” — James Delingpole #epa #gop #tcot
— forever banned (@forever_banned) June 3, 2012
Yep. Now, add this monolith of government control in the pipeline, which has already spawned it’s new Tsaritsa, and if this outrageously schemed package of theft and redistribution embedded with fraud passes on May 5, I am relatively sure that I will be putting my place on the market before others figure out that they cannot give away a house in this state due to the exorbitant cost of living expenses from higher taxation reinvented by a Republican governor with every lever of power in Lansing, dominated by the same Party.
I certainly don’t relish the idea, however, I’m tired of being fleeced by those sent to Lansing.

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