Yet Another Government Boondoggle M-1 Rail Line ‘on the Wrong Track’ for Michigan Taxpayers

Detroit M-1 Rail LineThe Republicans with the Republican controlled legislature in Lansing is passing legislation more in line with the Democrat Party!

The Grand Old Party is supposed to stand for a more conservative stand on issues. They are supposed to stand for and believe that the federal government should not play a big role in people’s lives. Most Republicans favor lower taxes and less government spending on social programs. They are supposed to stand for and believe in less government intervention in business and the economy. Not the case here in Michigan!

Our current Republican Governor and his counterparts within the Republican controlled legislature in Lansing has proven the exact opposite of the stated stand above they do not adhere to that ideology. Higher taxation, more regulation and bigger government involvement and intervention in business and the economy at the cost to taxpayers has further proven they are on the wrong track for Michigan’s taxpaying citizens and the Republican Party’s stated mission.

In January 2013, with a $25 million (taxpayer funded) U.S.. Department of Transportation grant under the guise of economic development and the proposed 45 permanent positions for Detroit Department of Transportation workers this project has moved forward. With all the “secrecy” surrounding the Michigan Economic Development Authority (MEDC) and their non-transparency no telling how much other taxpayer funds will be funneled to this project!

We taxpayers have been to this dance before. One look at the projections made when the Detroit People Mover was proposed should send up huge “red flags” to the taxpayers of Michigan. The M-1 Rail Line will eventually be donated to the Regional Transit Authority, officials said. Governor Snyder’s 2014 executive supplemental budget calls $2 million “taxpayer dollars” from the general fund to be allocated to the Regional Transit Authority. How much more of Michigan taxpayers’ dollars will be wasted only time will tell. The M-1 Rail Line is expected to serve 6,000 riders a day initially and eventually grow to 10,000. See People Mover.

The Detroit People Mover opened in 1987 at the time of planning; the system was projected to have a ridership of 67,700 daily. In it’s first year, an average of 11,000 riders used the People Mover each day. The Mover costs $12 million annually in city and “state subsidies” to run. So, all Michigan taxpayers who never have or never will use this system pays for the few who do use it. In 2006, the Mover filled less than 10 percent of its seats! The daily ridership 7,083 – Annual ridership 2,328,084 (FY 2011).

Michigan Senate OKs bill “shifting” $100M for snow removal and RTA
The “Theft” of our road tax money continues!
The legislation would mean at least $10.83 million for the four counties in the Detroit region, including $2.44 million for Macomb County, $3.74 million for Wayne County and $3.86 million for Oakland County, according to the Michigan Department of Transportation.$100M-for-snow-removal

Michigan Senate OKs $100M plan to repair damaged roads, fill potholes and taxpayer funded RTA Start Up cost.

The supplemental budget includes: nearly $20 million for Harper and Hutzel hospitals, and $2 million in start-up costs for the Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan among other carve out’s to other entity’s.

Sen. Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw Township, said passage was crucial for many departments in the state. If our legislators in Lansing would just wake up and open their eye’s they would clearly see that by abolishing the “failed” quasi government entity the business buddy favorite MEDC that would supply the much needed funds that these state departments so desperately need. But if they did that they wouldn’t receive the “kick-backs or campaign coffer enrichments now would they!

The authority has $500,000 taxpayer funded capital in the bank to work with, provided through the Michigan Department of Transportation. Sen. Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw Twp., whose chairman of the Senate Appropriations committee, said a discussion planned for Thursday on a supplemental appropriations bill between him, House Appropriations Chairman Joe Haverman, a Holland Republican, and state Budget Director John Nixon would likely include additional RTA taxpayer funding.

Michigan House approves regional transit authority
Senate Bill 911, which allows for the collection of new vehicle registration fees to fund the RTA, also passed through the House by a vote of 57-50. Earlier on Thursday, the House had taken action only to pass SB 909, the RTA enabling legislation.

2012 Senate Bill 909: Create Detroit regional mass transit authority
Public Act 387 of 2012
Introduced by Sen. Tom Casperson (R) on January 26, 2012, to create a new Detroit area regional transportation authority (previously called DARTA now called RTA Southeast Michigan Regional Transit Authority) covering Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties, and potentially others. Among other powers the authority could levy property taxes (special assessments) and higher local vehicle registration taxes with the approval of a majority of the aggregate of all votes cast in an election (meaning a particular community could not “opt out” of the tax increase).

2012 Senate Bill 911: Authorize Detroit regional transit vehicle registration tax

Detroit Reinvention Senate and House Bills and Public Acts
This article list taxpayer funds given to Detroit in subsidies.,4668,7-277-57577-291716–,00.html

2012 Senate Bill 912: Create Detroit regional mass transit authority
Introduced by Sen. Bert Johnson (D) on January 26, 2012, to exempt the Detroit regional transit authority proposed by Senate Bill 909 (and House Bill 5309) from local zoning ordinances. This is part of Gov. Rick Snyder’s road and transit tax proposal.
Public Act 389 of 2012

2011 Senate Bill 445: Create Detroit area transit authority
Public Act 391 of 2012

2012 Senate Bill 967: Authorize dedicated “rolling transit” lanes
Public Act 390 of 2012

Comment on Bill – Re: 2012 Senate Bill 909  by waltduro on March 30, 2012
Here Snyder goes again, looking to raise taxes so his buddies at Business Leaders for Michigan can get paid.

Senate Bill 911, Authorize Detroit regional transit vehicle registration tax
Introduced by Sen. Bert Johnson (D) on January 26, 2012, to give the regional transit authority proposed by Senate Bill 909 the power to impose a higher vehicle registration tax in the region to pay for buses and other public transportation.
Public Act 388 of 2012

Business Leaders for Michigan – Members: Many of these listed members have received taxpayer funded subsidies for their individual business ventures here in Michigan.

You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)

  1 comment for “Yet Another Government Boondoggle M-1 Rail Line ‘on the Wrong Track’ for Michigan Taxpayers

  1. Corinthian Scales
    February 25, 2014 at 4:53 pm

    That pesky dang jail thingie. Yep, nothing like sitting on the Executive Committee, eh?

    Nevertheless, Roger needs his crony capitalist chattel mover for his other toy car track.

    You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)

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