Wayne Co. Reports 0 – Repeat – ZERO Registered Voters?

Follow along on this, folks…

Interesting, yes? Wonder why such practice is happening in a County?

Let’s start with this👇

A visual of where we’re at so far, and the following is verified fact in the Progressive’s manifesto.

Speaking family ties, let’s talk a moment about Cathy “play the race card” Garrett’s brother Al.

Activist Robert Davis admitted stealing $92,000 from cash-strapped Highland Park schools and spending the money at car dealerships, hotels, bars and a custom-clothing store but Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett thinks his prosecution was racially motivated, according to federal court records.

Garrett’s brother, Al Garrett, is the head of AFSCME Council 25, the same union that fired Davis on Sept. 18.

Federal law prohibits someone convicted of embezzlement from working for a union.

Al Garrett said “it just did not look good for the union to have Davis as an employee,” according to the court filing.

In other words, the Garretts are all good with criminal behavior in Wayne County. Why hell, Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett so much as endorses it in the article. What the Garretts apparently are not good with in Wayne County is that their organized labor racket has lost interest and no longer effective with electing Democrats.

But as Garrett, 66, officially steps down on Nov. 30, as president of AFSCME Council 25 since taking the helm in 1998 and after four decades with the union, he says labor has lost influence due to lack of strategy. He cited right-to-work which became law in 2013 banning collection of union dues as a condition for employment in the public sector.

“We were unable to get our act together. While there is this idea of labor, labor is not monolithic so you’ve got different interests, different priorities and different concerns,” Garrett said. “We weren’t able to mesh them in such a way that we can do effective launch of the ballot initiative we had. We went first in trying to enshrine collective bargaining into the (state) constitution. With our failure, it emboldened the Republicans to actually go for right to work.”

In 2012, the United Auto Workers joined by several unions led a failed statewide ballot initiative called “Protect our Jobs” to amend the state constitution to include collective bargaining for public and private sector workers.

Garrett said labor also failed to tell a compelling story to defeat the Republican-led right-to-work initiative that was a counter punch to the ballot proposal to make collective bargaining a state law.

That was from 2016👆, and for Democrats in Michigan, things have only gone downhill for them with organized labor.

Joepedo Beijing Biden sure won over a LOT of union brothers that day, didn’t he? “You’re full of shit!” Yessa massa, yous gots my vote ’cause I don’t need no guns on the Democrat plantation.

And, it’s that loss of organized labor that scared the hell out Michigan Democrats, which we shall now return to the Garrett Wayne County trail.

Did you catch that? Whitmer is linked directly to Garrett, and Wayne County’s bogus election operation. As if the 36th District isn’t corrupt enough as it is… Whitmer packs it with an insurance policy for Democrat crookedness.

Do you know who else is tied to Wayne County? Jeff DeLongchamp. Who dat? The CEO of the vendor in 2018 “glitch.” Seems a pattern that “coding” and “server issues,” yes? Do you know where else election vendor Jeff DeLongchamp is in Michigan? Kent County.

Many of West Michigan’s voters will cast their ballots Tuesday on equipment from Kentwood.

ElectionSource, located on Danvers Drive SE off Patterson Avenue SE, provides election support to Michigan, Kansas, Iowa and some TV shows.

“We sold some things to movie shows like ‘The Good Wife,’ ‘Modern Family,’ things like that. Helped them get through some elections that were on television. That was kind of fun,” said ElectionSource owner and president Jeffrey DeLongchamp.

The company prints ballots and manufactures and sells thousands of election supplies nationwide, including the Dominion machines most counties use, as well as voter stickers.

For fun click on it: https://electionsource.com/pages/meet-the-team

ElectionSource also expects to expand its election reporting software — a relatively new system being used only in Michigan right now — to other states next year.

Whoops! That’s a red flag.

However, DeLongchamp said voters are also seeing the consequences of a general trend across the state to consolidate races to even years.

“We do have some of the largest ballots in the United States on Election Day,” he said. “Everybody has been able to stuff it onto one ballot, but the bad is it takes a long time to vote a ballot that long. And that’s one thing that can happen in the polling places, is long lines. It could take you 15 minutes to half an hour to vote everything on that ballot.”

And there’s another red flag!

When Democrats tell you they don’t need you to vote for them you had best damn well believe them. Hell, Biden didn’t even win their primary in Michigan, and we all know it.

Hence, this👇

That said, I’ll leave you with a Wayne County blast from the not-so distant past.

Co. clerk’s hubby is paid consultant for Napoleon’s campaign

Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett shocked state election officials in August when she suggested the city dump 20,000 votes for mayoral candidate Mike Duggan because of clerical errors.

It was especially alarming since Garrett, who oversees elections in the county, showed her unabashed support for Napoleon by joining him on stage during his mayoral announcement.

Turns out, her husband, Keith Williams, has been serving as a paid….

Enjoy the rest. Never forget Democrats always project what they’re doing.

OABTW, when I stated Wayne County Detroit is ground zero for the three lawless Democrats running this state, I wasn’t bullshitting.

Epstein didn’t kill himself. Biden didn’t win.

We ALL know it.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

  7 comments for “Wayne Co. Reports 0 – Repeat – ZERO Registered Voters?

  1. Conservative First
    November 23, 2020 at 11:13 pm

    Comment deleted by author.

    You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)
  2. Étienne C Breaux
    November 23, 2020 at 11:48 pm

    don't forget to include this scumbag .....https://wearethene.ws/notable/172006

    You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)
  3. Étienne C Breaux
    November 23, 2020 at 11:56 pm

    From an outsiders point of view. Having traveled the country extensively. I would put Michigan & Minnesota as having the most clueless citizens EVER!.....dumb? blind? uneducated? inbred? they are ff on another planet. (twilight zone) up there.

    You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)
  4. Étienne C Breaux
    November 24, 2020 at 12:02 am

    great...u guys censoring too.....Rhinos

    You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)
    • Corinthian Scales
      November 24, 2020 at 7:38 am

      Calm down. This site isn't monitored at all hours just for your convenience. This said, welcome to the discussion.

      You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)
    • KG One
      November 24, 2020 at 12:25 pm

      Um, no.

      Cancel culture is a trait from the progressive side of the political spectrum, not Conservative.

      And even though it is a common misconception, don't confuse Detroit for outstate Michigan.

      There is a good reason why Detroit went tango uniform and needed to be bailed out financially by the rest of Michigan.

      Just look at who has been running that city (into the ground) for over six decades!

      You Betcha! (1)Nuh Uh.(0)
  5. B. Roubal
    November 24, 2020 at 11:25 am

    I have been a Michigander ALL of life. I am not a clueless citizen of Michigan!! I have been fighting this BS liberal Democrat political tyranny...from day one, when I turned 18 years old, as a "registered" voter!!

    You Betcha! (1)Nuh Uh.(0)

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