Hey, not bad, I'm finally going to be published!!!
Deposed today in one of many lawsuits v. Kalkaska County Sheriff’s Department…
Submitted and marked “Exhibit 1” by counsel for the defense…
“Do you have issues with the Sheriff’s Department?”
Answer: “Yes, several.”
Interesting day, defense counsel was squirming by the end of the interview…
All I can say for now is be willing to stand behind what you post here and elsewhere…
You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)
I've read the link..care to bring us more up to speed?
Don't want to elaborate too much, but we have at least one renegade deputy in the County whose past actions are now catching up to him...This lawsuit is just one example, there are several more in the wings, and others that may be filed once this guy is made to pay for his transgressions...The Sheriff and the court system here have been condoning or actively covering for these guys for decades...My involvement started with the Brian Donnelly recall effort, which (according to the defense lawyer's theory) means I have a 'vendetta' against the Sheriff...
I have a 'vendetta' against the corruption in the Kalkaska County government...the Sheriff just happens to be part and parcel of the overall problem...Other than that, anything else I might post here will ultimately be used in court to 'prove' their contention that I am just another malcontent falsely accusing people of things that did not happen...Their problem is, we video recorded the proceedings in this event, and the audio portion of these videos speak for themselves...
That was the gist of the post referenced in this one, we stood as private citizens, within our rights, to observe....these videos proved our point as to the contempt this officer had (and has) for the public he is supposed to serve...
I will keep this thread updated as events permit...