Tag Archive for Whitmer

Call Whitmer’s Office Now

The Governor overstepped, and it is not acceptable.

There is much more I could have said in this video, but this is clearly enough to take action on.

Call the Governor @ 517-373-3400, and let her know how happy you are with her destroying an entire industry of 600,000 workers in Michigan, and hurting all those who rely on the immense value provided by that industry.

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Whitmer’s Wrath

Gretchen Whitmer wants it all, and now!

Negotiating is not this governor’s forte.

During the budget battle she admonished the legislature for not jumping on board with her 45 cent a gallon tax increase.  None of her party’s house or senate members even tried to make it happen.  She was all on her own.

But Gretchen wouldn’t allow the state to move forward without a budget, so she signed what was given her.  She signed it, using the veto pen in a way she may have thought would bring the legislature back to her.  Yet in actuality, she revealed her own apathy for certain segments of government largess.

And at the same time she did another curious thing.  She sent a message to our state workforce, suggesting that if anyone so much as speaks to our legislators, they might regret it.  By lining out protections for those employees within, who also want good government.  From West Michigan Politics:

State employees are no longer protected if they expose questionable activities to state legislators.
Here is what Whitmer removed:

“”The department shall not take disciplinary action against an employee for communicating with a member of the legislature or his or her staff.”

A Whitmer administration source says that language is somehow “unenforceable,” which simply doesn’t add up.

No, it does not.  Why veto the protections then?

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And Then There Is This

MiGOP reminder of Whitmer's absolutism.

I share the common distrust of the powers that be in Lansing to hold off on NEW gas taxes.

It seems that even the post directly preceding this has noted potential end-around solutions that will provide new income streams from taxpayer to bureaucrat for whatever purpose. We advise strongly against new enabling features that give local government more ways in which to screw us.

In the meantime we can at least enjoy the fact that the legislature did force Whitmer to show where her priorities are not, by witnessing the line item vetoes made. I agree with several of them, but frankly think at this point she owns any discontent from those sectors.

The next couple of years will be interesting.

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You Owe Them Nothing.

A budget message to Michigan's legislature about our universities

There is no upside to our state by expanding financial support to Michigan universities.

These indoctrination centers have done everything to subvert our cultural norms, provide aid and comfort to our enemies, and provide a base for partisan enclaves.  They have taken 10s of billions of dollars in the past several decades and given us what?

The University of Michigan is paying $10.6 million annually in salary and benefits to employ 82 diversity officers, including 76 on its Ann Arbor campus.

For that amount of money, more than 700 students could receive full in-state tuition at a time when the cost of college continues to rise, UM-Flint Professor of Finance and Business Economics Mark J. Perry has argued.

Perry has been a financial watchdog of sorts regarding UM’s DEI staffing, highlighting his research on his personal website for the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative public policy think tank. He’s also successfully internally challenged UM faculty awards specified for minorities and women with Title IX complaint threats.

“… Once you move away from the academy/higher education, with its uniform leftist, progressive, liberal echo chamber, I think you find that mainstream Americans object to the diversity efforts that contribute to higher tuition and rising student loan debt that are contributing to the unsustainable ‘higher education bubble,'” Perry said.

Perry pretty much captures the entire argument.

While Michigan’s budget deadline looms, there is an opportunity to start walking back the $2 billion in funding to ‘higher ed’ in the state.  Complaints about the 0.5% increases vs. a desired 3% increase should not only fall on deaf ears, but should be fully repudiated with a universal university CUT of 25-50% until academics becomes the main focus in our taxpayers subsidized cultural petrie dishes.

I will repeat again that our constitution requires support for these leftist incubators, but it does not stipulate the level of support.

If Whitmer wants more money to the roads and primary education, or if we as a state want to properly fund our hidden liabilities going forward, it is time to move the resources from where it hurts us.  We owe these money pits nothing. Make the universities more competitive again by eliminating their slush moneys.

Make Education Great Again!

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ICYMI – LeDuff Exposes Whitmer Pick

Is it any wonder Detroit will NEVER see it's former Glory?

Charlie LeDuff has a lead on a great piece of property.

Of course Gretchen whitmer’s partner in crime got there first:

Gretch and the Dems are promoting Gilchrist II as a socially conscious black man from the city, who once worked for Obama and is an expert at Twitter. Black, notwithstanding, the neighbors here view him as another profiteering hipster from the suburbs. A guy with connections, a guy who used to work for the mayor, a guy who’s out for himself.

A playa.

What more could would we expect from opportunist Democrat politicians.  Who couldn’t see such things coming from leaders of the new #MOB ?

It is after all, the #PartyOfCrime

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Gretchen Whitmer is no friend to hunters, sports shooters, or those who self defend.

The reality when looking at the gubernatorial race is that #thePartyOfCrime (as a rule) is not the gun owner’s friend.

We have had Michigan Democrats who claim they do not want to take your guns, but then speak of enhanced registration, or further limits on where lawful gun carrying might take place.  There have been legitimate Dem politicos (Bart Stupak for one) who even faced personal firearm tragedy and yet was honorable enough to respect our 2A tradition.

Those days are gone however, and the reality of the zombie #MOB Democrats is upon us.

The ACA, a health insurance mandate conveniently had lines of [code] within it to begin stealth registry of gun owners through doctor visits.  Gretchen Whitmer and other gun grabbers pushed it hard for Michigan.

Whitmer has in the past called for enhanced background checks, extended waiting lists and red flag bills that can deny due process to those with supposed mental problems and depression. (where could THAT possibly go wrong?) She has also spoken on prohibitions of ‘assault weapons,’ wherever the hell that definition falls on any day of the week.

Michigan’s sporting heritage may not be at risk in the immediate future from some of these minor tweaks that Gretchen Whitmer and today’s Democrats #Mobs advocate, but is it worth the risk?

Halloween can be spooky enough without this ghoul stalking law abiding gun owners.

Break out the garlic and set the zombie traps.

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Extremist Democrat Candidate For Governor Agrees With Abolishing ICE

Whitmer's leftist extremism on display in Lansing

They’re going to have to own this nonsense.

Tomorrow she might say something very different to salvage any middle of the road Dems, but folks have been wising up to the extremist views held by Democrat candidates. Gretchen Whitmer bobble-heads her agreement to abolishing our immigration enforcement in this video.

“I think we need a governor, who will stand up to the federal government” she says.  As governor, she COULD make enforcement of our borders problematic.




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Dark Money

Hidden donors keep the swamp critters alive.

Cronyism is alive and well.

Clearly there are people with financial stake in certain players gaining the governor’s seat.  Some interests might be as innocuous as self preservation, and some may be to game the system.  But it’s all in play and the hidden stuff can be spooky.  From Crains this morning:

Three of the leading candidates to be Michigan’s next chief executive have benefited from large sums of cash that can’t be easily followed to their original sources because of federal laws allowing not-for-profit organizations to influence elections outside of the state’s campaign finance law.

Former state Sen. Gretchen Whitmer’s campaign for the Democratic nomination for governor has been aided by $550,000 in concealed donations from two entities that don’t appear to exist in public records.

Attorney General Bill Schuette’s bid for the Republican nomination in next Tuesday’s primary also has been boosted by $1.2 million in untraceable donations flowing from two so-called “dark money” front organizations that can legally conceal the identities of their donors.

And Lt. Gov. Brian Calley got $1.3 million of free advertising through a TV commercial promoting his work with Gov. Rick Snyder turning around Michigan’s economy that was paid for by a Snyder-led group that doesn’t have to disclose its funding sources.

The last guy listed here knows who is footing the bill for his spots I imagine.

He stars in those ads.

In any event, Blue Cross Blue Shield was let off its leash in 2013 walking away with Michigan taxpayer money and made untouchable.  It’s relationship with those who would restore much of its monopoly power should be noted.  However they are not squealing:

Those donations to the pro-Whitmer group have fueled questions from her Democratic opponents as to whether those mystery entities are operating for the sole purpose of concealing corporate money from a big business like Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, which has allied with Whitmer but not made a traceable donation to her bid to be governor.

“Build a Better Michigan is nothing but a shell for dark money PACs and unlimited money from corporate CEOs who have interest in a Whitmer-led Michigan,” said Adam Joseph, spokesman for El-Sayed. “There is only one reason these corporations and secretive groups are shelling out thousands of dollars to try and get Gretchen Whitmer elected: they want to keep their privilege in a Whitmer administration.”

But whether Blue Cross Blue Shield played any role in helping bankroll the pro-Whitmer group Build a Better Michigan is a lingering question the state’s largest health insurance company won’t answer.

Of course BCBS won’t answer.

Being un-collared, (Former AG Mike Cox was their best handler to be honest)  they don’t have to.  Once upon a time they were beholden to the legislature, but now run free-range and can bundle money where it serves their board of director’s interest best.  Anyhow they have been feeding the GOP as well.

Playing the field is not a hard thing to do when flush with unequaled cash reserves.  BCBSmi DID walk away with $Billions given to them by a GOP legislature and governor.

As for the complainer Abdul?  I suspect there is plenty of dark cash ready to fund his efforts.

The swamp is alive and well friends.  Read the complete piece.


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