Tag Archive for U of M cronies

Speaking of Brown Showers…

We have a candidate for governor, which now proudly campaigns on Obamacare.

And, who is left to pick up the tab for that when Snyder/Calley is gone? Let, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), explain that for you. Did you notice a Republican said the states are going to pay for it? Why Hell, even a plumber knows that sh!t runs downhill.

Enjoy paying for that along with the Snyder/Calley fuel tax and registration fee hike.

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(2)

Kevyn Acts None the Weiser

It would appear, Mr. Orr has learned his place within the U of M cronies.

NerdOrrWealthy patrons vowed to bankroll a legal fight between the Detroit Institute of Arts and the city before mediators reached a deal to save the city’s art collection, Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr testified Thursday.

Orr testified about behind-the-scenes pressure applied by the DIA and patrons who believed the multi-billion dollar art collection could not be sold and was held in public trust — and explained why the city didn’t hire an auction house tied to a local billionaire. A costly, prolonged legal fight threatened to delay Detroit’s attempt to shed $7 billion in debt and emerge from bankruptcy court.

While not naming names, Orr said patrons vowed to fight any attempts to sell the 60,000-piece collection. Many of Metro Detroit’s leading families, including generations of Fords, have donated art to the internationally renowned museum.

“High-value net worth individuals who have an interest in the (DIA) were motivated and had the wherewithal,” to support a legal fight, Orr testified.

The city believed it could sell pieces of the DIA collection purchased with city funds during the last century.


Thanks, Ron.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(2)

How to Screw Taxpayers by Ron Weiser

Mr. Gantert, at MCC exposes more Detroit Institute of Arts deceit and treachery.

Michigan_Gang_Of_PolypsSoon after voters approved a three-county $230 million millage for the Detroit Institute of Arts, its top two officers received increases of $58,415 and $98,564 in compensation.

Graham Beal, director of the DIA, saw his total compensation increase from $455,453 in 2012 to $513,868 in 2013, a 12.8 percent increase. In two years, Beal’s total compensation has increased 20 percent from $426,699 in 2011 to the $513,868.


Like I wrote before, Because Graham Beal Wouldn’t Take a Cut In Pay. Bigger picture involving our corrupt Governerd and state legislature?

“I believe there is a possibility (albeit a small one) that there could be some state funding made available towards part of the DIA solution,” Weiser told Buckfire in an e-mail Oct. 17 after speaking with Muchmore. He added that he had been helping DIA leadership find sources of money “for a long-term payment plan” since 2007.

Weiser, who is running for a seat on the University of Michigan Board of Regents [snip]


So, “Ronald Weiser, retired ambassador to Slovakia” somehow becomes oblivious to all the corruption because he serves on the DIA Board of Directors? Bullshit!

Exit question: feeling stupid yet, Mr. Anderson?

You Betcha! (32)Nuh Uh.(1)

When is a Failure not Deemed a Failure?: Part Deux

When Republicans raised the State Income Tax.

“We could have balanced the budget without taxing pensions,” [John] Nixon said.

Yes, raised the State Income Tax on E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y.

Special thanks goes to Dick and Betsy’s cupcake for once again illustrating the Recucklican treachery within the MI-GOP.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(1)