Tag Archive for SCHUITMAKER

Because It Works So Well

Lansing politicos promoting more racial divisiveness, and now?

Due to a groundswell of race related denial of service, access restrictions and increasing public pressure, lawmakers are going to act!

Recognizing the tongue planted firmly in cheek above, we can only speculate the reasons that State Senator Rick Jones (R) Might be the primary sponsor for such an effort as Senate Bill 90, “A bill to create an African-American affairs commission, an office of African-American affairs,” etc.. Maybe there is a trade off for something he wants, a job for a dear friend, or simple ‘white guilt?’  Perhaps he is lost in a time warp?

I mean really, doesn’t he know that ‘ghey’ is the new ‘black?’

The reality is that the last thing Michigan needs is another way to blow taxpayer resources by promoting the divisive cataloging of its citizens by race.  At some point full equality means equal blindness by lawmakers and bureaucrats with regard to how public resources are used and allocated.  It also demands an equal responsibility for each individual to stand on his own merit for an equal treatment under the law.

And we cannot understand why Jones and several other GOP sponsors would AGAIN want to grow government. We get the view of the Democrat sponsors, as race baiting and divisive pandering is an established platform of their party, but from the party which believes “that the best government is that which governs least?” It makes no sense to add a new department that requires new office space, full time administrative staff, and all for the express purpose of continuing to validate the absurd idea that any one racial population still needs special dispensation from the government.

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