Apparently the Michigan GOP house has Republicans who want to keep higher taxes and higher spending.
Sometimes you gotta just wonder why, when given the chance, some Republican lawmakers refused to consider the amount collected from the working class as too high. Especially given they operate under the banner which says:
I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.
By golly, that seems simple enough.
This is truly “the money they earn.” Oh yeah, I suppose the “fiscal responsibility” component of that oft ignored screed might well provide an ‘out’ for any ausgespielt fiscal-moral compass by a GOP type, but its not as-if the state budget is going down, right?
The following HOUSE REPUBLICANS may be using the excuse that they wanted to see cuts in spending first, but given the insignificant amount of taxes being reduced upfront, doesn’t that itself reveal the expectation that they will not?
Afendoulis (R) | Calley (R) | Crawford (R) | Garcia (R) | Inman (R) |
Lilly (R) | Maturen (R) | McCready (R) | Pagel (R) | Roberts (R) |
Sheppard (R) | VanSingel (R) |