If there was any question relating to the disconnect between the Grassroots and GOP party elites, we are seeing it playing out in real-time right before our eyes.
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If there was any question relating to the disconnect between the Grassroots and GOP party elites, we are seeing it playing out in real-time right before our eyes.
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There has been a fake news hit piece circulating over the past few weeks maligning the efforts by patriots across our state to put pro-Trump Republicans on various county board of canvassers.
The most recent one comes from Daily Beast, where I and other patriots are quoted and demonized for our opposition to election fraud and our unwillingness to submit to the narrative that the 2020 vote steal was on the level.
These hit pieces against the election fraud reform movement in Michigan are being produced because former Wayne County board of canvasser Monica Palmer approached fake news reporters with text messages and other information out of sour grapes over not being re-nominated to her post for another term after certifying the fraud election last year.
Rumor has it the GOP establishment is angling to put state rep candidate Dave Morgan on stage with Donald Trump during the President’s upcoming rally next week in Battle Creek.
Morgan is running to be the state representative in Michigan’s 62nd state house district. He is the Pennfield Charter Township Supervisor and has a history as a military veteran and a police officer. He is running a campaign to secure “the safety and security of our residents, improving our road conditions and transportation infrastructure, and to instill values of restraint and fiscal responsibility and continue to be a strong advocate for early, K-12, and adult public education.”
While there is no reason to doubt that Morgan has a genuine interest in serving the public, his politics are very progressive. He has given $30,479 to Democratic Party candidates over the past 9 years, as opposed to only $12,142 to Republican Party candidates.
There is little doubt Slick Rick is brooding in his $2M condo with regrets about the Party division he and Calley created in during the 2018 election. Think not? Read on…
Washington — Michigan officials have provided congressional investigators with tens of thousands of documents related to the Flint water crisis since the start of the year.
The office of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is continuing to work “cooperatively” with the House Oversight and Reform Committee to produce the documents that the panel requested, Nessel spokesman Dan Olsen said this week.
“Our office has already supplied the committee with tens of thousands of pages of documents, and we are diligently working to send the rest,” Olsen said.
Olsen added that, while some of the records provided to the committee have been submitted previously, “most of these pages of documents are new.”
The Attorney General’s Office is sending the documents in response to Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings of Maryland, who in late December wrote to then-Gov. Rick Snyder asking he “fully comply” with the committee’s 2016 bipartisan request for documents related to the water crisis.
Well, there is a lesson to be learned in all this.
I don’t know what has been more infuriating this week; watching the one-sided coverage on what unfolded in Charlottesville last week or watching what passes for “leadership” in the republican party seeing who can get away from President Trump the fastest?
The sad part here is that I can easily see what happened last week spread to Michigan much sooner than people think.
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As far as the Grand Traverse County GOP is concerned, Bill Milliken isn't recognized as a Republican
Every couple of years, Former Michigan governor William Grawn Milliken trots out his endorsements for Democrat candidates.
While endorsements are a part of the political process, it is always noted that this has been by a ‘Republican’ who “is crossing party lines” to support Democrats. Often enough it has been against incumbent Republicans, and is used in the press to promote disunity within the party.
Over the years, this has happened several times, and is consistent enough that it seemed prudent that the Republican party in his county of residence have a say in whether he is even considered to be a Republican at all.
Much in the way our nation has been beset by ‘gender confusion’, it seemed the former state executive has had a political identity crisis for some time. Supporting publicly funded abortion through the veto pen, and supporting Democrats against Republicans in critical contests not once or twice, but habitually for too many years to ignore.
Liars Lie. Milliken was never a true Republican anyhow.
Queue the ‘Republican’ governor endorsing the Democrat ..again. ZZZZZZZ
From the Ivory tower:
Current and former governors of Michigan are either working for the Democratic candidate for president, Hillary Clinton, or have declined to endorse Trump in the race for the White House.
Former Gov. William Milliken, a moderate Republican from Traverse City, broke ranks over the weekend and is endorsing Clinton for the presidency.
Oh my, this has never happened before!
Well, maybe once before.
Medical attention required, as stroke victim cognitively impaired beyond reason.
Perhaps Bill Nowling, formerly the Director of Communication for the Michigan Republican Party has popped a vessel.
In a Facebook post, Nowling now pleads with his fellow Republicans to vote for Bernie as apparently he did “feeling the Bern” yesterday. Nowling says that “the only way to defeat an anti-establishment candidate, in an anti-establishment environment, is with an anti-establishment candidate.”
Also making comparisons of Trump to Hitler, he calls himself a yellow dog republican.
Unless this is an elaborate prank, this is a perfect example of the establishment self destruct that is going on right now. As a former apparatchik of the MiGOP, Nowling once used his communications skills to target liberals and their antics.
Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
H/T Joan Fabiano
What's a RINO to do???...
The establishment Repubs are in a tizzy over what the attraction to Trump is by the American mainstream….Just proves how out of touch with reality they actually are…The ‘mystique’ surrounding “the Donald” is no secret to those of us who have been trying to convey the same message to people we can reach for at least a decade…He tells it like it actually is: America is in trouble, and Washington IS the problem….period…
Giving the GOP complete control of the US Congress has not helped the situation in the slightest…Campaign promises from the establishment are now falling on deaf ears…They are scrambling to ‘adjust’ their campaign rhetoric to mimic “the Donald”, acknowledging him whether they attribute the shift to him directly or not…They KNOW they are in trouble…
I just received a notice from the RNC that my membership has “now expired”, and would I PLEASE renew it immediately???!!!…Not a chance…Until the GOP acts like they have the principles described in the party platform, I will not send any of them one dime of my hard earned cash…They will only devise devious ways to steal it anyway…
Speaker Kevin Cotter's antics in Lansing may reveal an underhanded effort to raise taxes.
Michigan House speaker Kevin Cotter is turning out to be a real turd in the punch bowl.
Personal ‘Impropriety,’ and the lack of ‘qualifications’ are two very different things. Of course the State Constitution allows each house to determine the qualifications to occupy a seat as a representative. It ALSO allows the house under certain circumstances to (remove) “expel” sitting representatives with a two thirds majority vote.
§ 16 Legislature; officers, rules of procedure, expulsion of members.
Sec. 16.
Each house, except as otherwise provided in this constitution, shall choose its own officers and determine the rules of its proceedings, but shall not adopt any rule that will prevent a majority of the members elected thereto and serving therein from discharging a committee from the further consideration of any measure. Each house shall be the sole judge of the qualifications, elections and returns of its members, and may, with the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members elected thereto and serving therein, expel a member. The reasons for such expulsion shall be entered in the journal, with the votes and names of the members voting upon the question. No member shall be expelled a second time for the same cause.
Qualifications, elections, returns, are all specific to the elections, and the follow up is the expulsion clause.