Passive-aggressive is not a good look, and it always has an answer for everything under the sun.
Tag Archive for Rep. Janson Wentworth (RINO – Clare)
Big Gretch and Nasty Nessel Posting Another “L”
by Corinthian Scales • • 0 Comments
Headline: Gretchen Whitmer Loses Again: Judge Dismisses Charges Against Hair Stylists After May 2020 Protest
A final pretrial hearing was scheduled for this morning before District Court Judge Kristen D. Simmons, a Whitmer appointee.
Simmons dismissed the charges after Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office failed to show.
Of course they didn’t show.
It’s Going to be a LONG Two Years
by Corinthian Scales • • 10 Comments
All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Democrats, Detroit, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Republicans, Taxes
And just who is reaching into your pocket THIS time?
by KG One • • 0 Comments
Whose hand is in YOUR wallet?
A few days ago, I tipped everyone off about a Michigan Republican(?) who felt that your money wasn’t your money.
Well, after reviewing the journals from this week, this shemp had some help placing this bill on the floor to be voted upon.
You’ll be disappointed at his accomplices.
{Click below for more details}