The Trump administration appears to be advancing certain freedoms quite reliably.
Thanks to the Trump admin, the baby killers are getting nervous.
Apparently Planned parenthood folks are so far gone in their willingness to snuff out human life, they would deny practicing physicians the ability to conscientiously object. Objecting to new HHS rules PP is going into conniptions:
“Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, is encouraging their supporters to tell the Department of Health Human Services (HHS) that a proposed rule to strengthen conscience protections for healthcare providers is “dangerous” and “encourages discrimination.” The rule requires health care providers to notify their employees of protections against religious discrimination on job applications and employee manuals. The rule also allows the HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) to enforce protections for religious medical providers.”
‘Choice’ apparently has a different meaning to the child hunters. Until government is used to directly control our lives (sans the personal choice of fetal sepaku), the leftist monsters won’t be happy.
Its a good sign of personal conscience protections from a government realigning itself with the constitution. Other health care fields might also benefit from such positive efforts. I wonder if this could be re-litigated?