Tag Archive for Private Property

Data and Science says Whitmer? Jeffrey I. Barke, MD Responds

From Big Gretch’s latest tour on the Fakestream News media circuit.

Whitmer said, “None. I’m not going to succumb to political pressure or political demonstrations or social media pressure. The fact of the matter is we have to listen to our epidemiologists, experts in our phenomenal research universities in Michigan. We are talking with international experts as well. We’re going to stay tethered to the data, follow the science, and we’ve got to get this right. Anything else puts people in jeopardy, and I’m not willing to do that.”

Watch to the end and, you decide.

Did you see the most foundation-destroying issue that begs further discussion?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

It’s as if Big Gretch and Nasty Nessel are Setting the Stage for Another April 19, 1775

Well, as expected, Big Gretch has LARAed Mr Manke into submission.

Karl Manke’s license and the license of his shop, Karl Manke Main St. Barber & Beauty Shop, have been “summarily suspended,” said David Harns, communications director for the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The documents confirming the suspension were sent to the barber and his attorney.

Harns said he was unable to provide further comment on the pending case.

Separately, Manke faces “$1,000 and 1 year in jail per haircut” under a Department of Health and Human Services order, said Manke’s lawyer David Kallman.

Meanwhile, convicted prisoners are being released into public. This is a sick game the Democrats are playing.

How sick?

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

Big Gretch “asks,” Do You Want to be Destroyed?

Bend knee, kulaks.

Stalin is smiling.

Exit question: is everyone enjoying their 1 month, 19 days (13.66% of 2020) in Gretchen and Nessel’s unconstitutional, Chinese Communist Party Virus lockdown?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

A Dam Fine Mess You’ve Given Us

Short sighted grant based planning leaves a community in worse shape financially.

BrownbridgeReposted from grow.tc

Grand Traverse County residents have for the most part, been kept in the dark about the truth surrounding Dams removal.

There have been stories covering the removal process, and no doubt most folks are familiar with the mistakes made during the removal process, but what is the back story behind the entire affair that needs to be told? Who did what, and why is it being done?

However, the as-demonstrated limited attention span of most of the electorate who read this must confine it to some previously unpublished facts. Take it for what you will.

In September and October of 2008, a survey was taken to quickly gauge public knowledge/concern/interest in dam condition/repair/options. The executive summary noted that it was as much informal, as looking for opinion:

“The Public Opinion Survey developed and administered through this project was not designed as a referendum or a statistically valid sample of public opinion. Rather, the Survey and associated Informational Booklet were intended to inform and engage the general population while offering another opportunity for public participation. The Surveys were distributed as broadly as feasible given time and funding limitations between September 23 and October 10, 2008.”

Of course, the “public participation” is quite limited when removal meetings are held mid afternoon, on weekdays when many who might otherwise be engaged, are busy working.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Get Out Of The Mall

Mall says: "Open on holiday or pay a penalty"

And stay clear of the DDA zones as well.

The holidays are here!  Black Friday has been extended into your family time, and store owners are learning a lesson; When you have your business in someone else’s house, you had best be prepared to live by their rules.  Of course that may include opening when you have no reason to open.  From MLive:

“TRAVERSE CITY, MI — If the Regis salon had its choice, the store in the Grand Traverse Mall would not have opened its doors on Thanksgiving.

But the alternative was to pay the mall a fine of around $500, the salon’s manager told MLive and The Grand Rapids Press.”

Not unlike government, which zones your options away, the Malls have expectations apparently enforced by contract.


In the meantime, just go ahead and keep ignoring the encroachment on your private property rights, allow government to dictate the deviants you hire, which days you can operate, and what goes on in your business.

And then double down with a move into the local mall where you can be subjected to the landlord’s rules as well.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

Too Much Private Property

If Schmidt has his way, Northern Michigan communities will see new challenges

DNR-trust-2One of the little deals with the DNR and its ability to purchase land, is that it is limited.

Limited to 4,650,000 acres in fact, with some exceptions, and not more than 3,910,000 acres north of a line between Mason and Arenac counties, to be exact.

This means that the amount of land that is available for private use and development will not continue to shrink indefinitely.  It means that the revenues from oil and gas lease rights are not forever used to remove land from local tax rolls. It also means that overzealous misplaced urban planner graduates from the MSU school of property theft have one less tool in their belt of American dream destruction.

in 2012 Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, signed a common sense piece of legislation (huh.. how bout that) that put a check on the runaway property acquisition of the DNR, and the way in which it distorts property values and makes desirable land unavailable for private use.  The ONLY 5 Republicans Voting against the bill at that time were Jon Bumstead, (R) Holly Hughes, (R) Peter Pettalia, (R) Bruce Rendon, (R) and Wayne Schmidt, (R).  They and their Democrat property rights thieving counterparts were sent packing, as the bad ol Republican bullies put that limit on the quite literal GROWTH of government through land purchases.

Surprise, surprise, now they are back. And they brought friends. And they seem to think Michigan has too much private property available to it.

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