A Northern Michigan State Representative Died in a Motorcycle accident last night.
Peter Pettalia (R-106) Was 61.
Our prayers go out to his family and those close to him.

House GOP membership toes the line like good little minions.
As the inflation protected taxes and unnecessary fees are imposed, the shame of those who ‘unelected’ a particular representative from Allegan County should be pronounced and clear.
Cindy Gamrat would have provided you with cover Representative Gary Glenn. I don’t see you bragging this one up like your near-miss confiscation legislation. You voted to remove her to keep your house overlords happy. Aren’t you proud?
Farm bureau will still love you Triston Cole, as the fuel taxes and registration don’t hurt your lobbying buds. Never mind the rest of the suckers who bought the AFP nonsense in the last election cycle that you would fight for the taxpayers.
Oh yeah those guys..
Sure enough, something must have happened to AFP along the way to the bank. Ever since Scott Hagerstrom was departed from the ranks of the organizing 501(c)4, it seems to have lost its way. What was once the messenger of a clearly recognizable message of no new taxes, or growth of government, has now apparently blessed this newest blasphemy of conservative principle. Representative *Larry Inman says in a response to a text:
“Hi Jason, Pete Lund says he will accept our package, mostly coming from the General fund and user fees. We needed some gas tax. Senate and Governor told us to do it to fix the roads.”
So now AFP calls the shots along with the RINO governor?
Pete Lund of the AFP says “he will accept” the package. How special. Why do we bother sending anyone to Lansing anymore if they cannot abide by the principles they campaign on. Why do we bother with pretenders?
What about it Lee Chatfield? Is the same moral compass which drove you to throw out due process last month pointing North now? Are you happy to have been pushed into a corner where you can no longer appropriately represent your district; many of whom in it cannot afford the trivial increases you just voted to support in ever increasing perpetuity?
If Schmidt has his way, Northern Michigan communities will see new challenges
One of the little deals with the DNR and its ability to purchase land, is that it is limited.
Limited to 4,650,000 acres in fact, with some exceptions, and not more than 3,910,000 acres north of a line between Mason and Arenac counties, to be exact.
This means that the amount of land that is available for private use and development will not continue to shrink indefinitely. It means that the revenues from oil and gas lease rights are not forever used to remove land from local tax rolls. It also means that overzealous misplaced urban planner graduates from the MSU school of property theft have one less tool in their belt of American dream destruction.
in 2012 Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, signed a common sense piece of legislation (huh.. how bout that) that put a check on the runaway property acquisition of the DNR, and the way in which it distorts property values and makes desirable land unavailable for private use. The ONLY 5 Republicans Voting against the bill at that time were Jon Bumstead, (R) Holly Hughes, (R) Peter Pettalia, (R) Bruce Rendon, (R) and Wayne Schmidt, (R). They and their Democrat property rights thieving counterparts were sent packing, as the bad ol Republican bullies put that limit on the quite literal GROWTH of government through land purchases.
Surprise, surprise, now they are back. And they brought friends. And they seem to think Michigan has too much private property available to it.