Tag Archive for Nolan Finley

Not on The Editorial Pages Either

And in other news…

Nolan appears to be suffering from a “heavy flow” day. Whatza matter Nolan? Not enough “pragmatic” losers for you to champion, anymore?

And, some Boomer generation Femocrat with the Progressive two last names thing going on attempts to whitewash The Religion of Peace™ and a whole lot of dead bodies. American Sharia? Really? Good luck with that.

BONUS: Want to see how quickly Bobby Schostak turns away from the Republican Party’s unanimous commitment to the definition of marriage? First, click here. Then, click here.

Does money or principles prevail? You decide.

Have a FaBuLoUs rest of the afternoon.

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Finley: Snyder deaf on Obamacare

Well, here’s a wee bit of fun with Finley.

The Obama [Snyder] administration continues to deny the risk that its [the] Affordable Care Act will wreck the economy, even as it [the governor] does everything it [he] can to keep it [Medicaid expansion] from wrecking the Democratic [Republican] Party in the fall elections.

As if one would ever read Nol[e]an to-the-Right Finkley tar his Progressive Nerd buddy. So, what does the Governerd say about all this?

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is among several Republican governors who expanded their state’s Medicaid laws under the law.

“The whole dialogue on the Affordable Care Act is about people fighting, causing gridlock and a mess, instead of working on something important like wellness,” Snyder said, adding that he still has “a lot of issues” with the overhaul. “But it is the law, so I’m trying to work in that context.”

Jeez, it looks like Snyder just told Finley to shut the hell up. And there it is again. There is no noticeable difference between the Party’s in Michigan, other than the pathway and speed to serfdom.

As we have seen elsewhere here on RightMi, I want to make it clear that I will not be supporting this rank and file lost cause, either. Land had a chance to make a stand against the Nerd’s Obamacare entanglement, and epically failed. On top of that, I just despise a calculating, windsock of expediency, backbiter.

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Following The Path Of Ezekiel

Why would a pro-life party embrace a culture of death?

The normal course of action for a pandemic is to mobilize medical resources in order to learn, as quickly as possible, as much as can be learned about the disease, specifically including source of infection and method of transmission. Until this information is learned, the victims are sometimes isolated from the rest of society as a reliable way to contain the outbreak, until either a cure or vaccine is developed. Even if a cure or vaccine isn’t yet available, the knowledge regarding infection source and transmission is made public as soon as it’s known, and widely circulated, so that others who aren’t infected can take appropriate precautions.

But what happens when both the principal source of infection and the principal method of transmission for a global pandemic are known to be directly linked to a lifestyle choice that is a political hot-button issue? Does elected leadership still speak the truth, so that those at risk can know the facts and adjust their lifestyle accordingly, or do they put reelection concerns above all else, bury their heads in the sand, and publicly chastise any of their own who dare speak the truth in public on the record?

Patriot Call

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Presstitute Finley: OMG FRINGE FRINGE FRINGE!!

clown-finley Noted Clown Presstitute and Media whore Nolan Finley thrashes about in the big-top of meaninglessness once more.

Since the hit piece by itself is hardly readable without a little vomit expunging itself in one’s throat, I have created a little guide that will help folks figure out what it is he thinks he is talking about.
**Nolan Finley Footnotes and Definitions**

**”GOP Regulars”
**”Mainstream Michigan Republicans”
**”Veteran GOP activists”
All used to firmly plant in the mind of the reader as the ‘NORMAL’ ones. but in reality = “Entrenched Unprincipled Progressives in the GOP”

**”GOP fringe groups”
The folks who saved the party in 2010 from self destruction, gaining majorities in places undreamed of.

**”most of Michigan’s GOP leadership.” = A select small group of individuals who feel a sense of entitlement to leadership and ownership for all the efforts REAL GRASS ROOTS perform. A group that does not like to share power, especially if it is with “Extremists”

**”detriment to the party’s success.” = A condition fully subjective and to the whim of “GOP Regulars”

**” a political action committee, called Advance Michigan” = Party hacks testing unexploded ordnance with a ball peen hammer like a bunch of chimpanzees.  Some of which might carry a “have a nice day” smiley face sticker

**”common sense conservatism.” = A time tested method by progressives in the Republican party in which decline is clearly managed. (See “Surrender” in the French military handbook)

**” embarrassing the party” = Upholding party platform positions and mores.

**”“This will be a broad-based movement to help advance conservative principles” = A statement by a man standing on a precipice and one foot over the chasm (See Wile E. Coyote)  We’ll be taking bets on whether the sign that says “help!” hangs in mid-air for a second after his descent.

And finally?

““We can be our own worst enemy.” = The Only thing that made any sense in the entire page.



Honk Honk.


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Itching Ears and Mad Prophets

My pastor, when he’s discussing contemporary culture from either the sanctuary pulpit or the classroom lectern, likes to refer to what he calls, “itching ear disorder.”  The primary Scripture reference is 2 Timothy 4:3-4, referring to a time when people will have no further interest in the truth, and won’t tolerate listening to anything that contradicts their philosophical predispositions.  As a student of Scripture, I can say with some certainty that the prophets and apostles were well acquainted with this disorder.  Hosea even wrote about a time when hostility against the truth would become so great that those who insist on speaking it would be considered fools and maniacs.  According to a disputed George Orwell quote (“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”), “itching ear disorder” isn’t exactly an unusual condition in the human experience.

And this brings us to the current philosophical skirmish involving Michigan’s Republican National Committeeman, which involves the latest escalation by some unsavory elements within the Michigan Republican Party, who seem to be in a desperate quest to reclaim lost relevance.

Free Speech?

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