Tag Archive for MiGOP

Minimum Wage Insanity Passes GOP ‘Firewall’

Sausage Grinding In All Its Glory. Minimum Wage Today, Higher Gas Taxes Tomorrow.

snyderIn a move reportedly designed to head off a ballot initiative, a higher minimum wage was passed and signed by Governor Rick Snyder.

Snyder yesterday signed ‘bipartisan’ legislation raising Michigan’s minimum wage by September to $8.15, and to $9.25 an hour by 2018, a move he said “will help hard-working residents without hindering the state’s improving economy.” SB 934 is now Public Act 138 of 2014.

Oh, and by the way; It should be noted that a majority of the House Republicans voted NO on this. (albeit a small one)

We support those voting no, including one of our Northern Michigan legislators who gets it.  Greg MacMaster (R-105) says

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(2)


BuySeatMy wife asked me, “who is this guy?”

She was referring to the now frequent television commercials for fourth district congressional candidate Paul Mitchell. And if you have never heard of him before, its because he has not held political office that you might recognize.  Another bucket list brigade member, GOP primary candidate Paul Mitchell has already piled tons of cash into Michigan’s 4th congressional district race in an effort to present himself as a real contender.

Cable and broadcast buys for April and May have already exceeded a quarter of a million dollars, and sources have indicated he intends to whiz away his entire bank account to feel extra special if necessary.  And who cares if anyone knows who he is, or what he stands for?

Ah yes, the “what do you stand for?” question. That place where people look beyond the claims of a candidate being a conservative first, and actually predict what kind of legislator they might actually be.

And if the nape hair instincts kick in at the point where you realize a candidate has no record to examine, is blowing a wad of his own cash, and was the finance chair for the Michigan Republican Party, then you might be paying attention.

Oh yeah.. All that.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(8)

Presstitute Finley: OMG FRINGE FRINGE FRINGE!!

clown-finley Noted Clown Presstitute and Media whore Nolan Finley thrashes about in the big-top of meaninglessness once more.

Since the hit piece by itself is hardly readable without a little vomit expunging itself in one’s throat, I have created a little guide that will help folks figure out what it is he thinks he is talking about.
**Nolan Finley Footnotes and Definitions**

**”GOP Regulars”
**”Mainstream Michigan Republicans”
**”Veteran GOP activists”
All used to firmly plant in the mind of the reader as the ‘NORMAL’ ones. but in reality = “Entrenched Unprincipled Progressives in the GOP”

**”GOP fringe groups”
The folks who saved the party in 2010 from self destruction, gaining majorities in places undreamed of.

**”most of Michigan’s GOP leadership.” = A select small group of individuals who feel a sense of entitlement to leadership and ownership for all the efforts REAL GRASS ROOTS perform. A group that does not like to share power, especially if it is with “Extremists”

**”detriment to the party’s success.” = A condition fully subjective and to the whim of “GOP Regulars”

**” a political action committee, called Advance Michigan” = Party hacks testing unexploded ordnance with a ball peen hammer like a bunch of chimpanzees.  Some of which might carry a “have a nice day” smiley face sticker

**”common sense conservatism.” = A time tested method by progressives in the Republican party in which decline is clearly managed. (See “Surrender” in the French military handbook)

**” embarrassing the party” = Upholding party platform positions and mores.

**”“This will be a broad-based movement to help advance conservative principles” = A statement by a man standing on a precipice and one foot over the chasm (See Wile E. Coyote)  We’ll be taking bets on whether the sign that says “help!” hangs in mid-air for a second after his descent.

And finally?

““We can be our own worst enemy.” = The Only thing that made any sense in the entire page.



Honk Honk.


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