Tag Archive for Michigan

Part Time Legislature Forum March 1st

PTL - Yes! LogoJoin The Committee to Restore Michigan’s Part-Time Legislature in Traverse City on March 1, 2014.


Streeters Center, Garfield Ave Traverse City, MI <– Click for map and/or directions


March 1st 1PM – 3PM


The Committee to Restore Michigan’s Part-Time Legislature Chairman; Norm Kammeraad, Chief Operating Officer; Randy Bishop, and Board Member/Adviser; Dave Agema will speak on the the effort to put this issue on Michigan’s Nov. 2014 general election state-wide ballot. Other elected representatives and candidates for public office will be on hand as well.

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Sundays Sanity: Tax-Exempt Entity and Their Billionaires

For those unaware, the NFL is tax-exempt and also plundering our wallets for a $Billion a year.

Have you ever heard of the old expression, “like placing a diamond on a goats ass” ? Billionaire moochers and looters with their bought off politicians enabling taxpayer funded Flavian Amphitheaters are a good definition of it.

When the Lions and Tigers stadium deal was struck, one newspaper headline headline joyfully proclaimed a “Detroit comeback.” William Clay Ford, Jr., the Lions’ vice chairman, said that being “an integral part of Detroit’s renaissance is an absolute honor of the highest degree.”

And, a short 14 years later, Detroit files for Chapter 9 protection. Brilliant propaganda espoused by, Mr. Bill One playoff win in 56 years Ford Jr., yes?

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OK, So Lets See The Other Side

pure-somethingToo often, your local government will have advocates of money-spending that holds out the promise of jobs, or some tangible benefit that can be presented in dollars gained back for the community.

The authors of such fiction typically seek to justify their own positions of employment within that community, and possibly within the government entity itself. Axiomatically however, all of them have a stake in the outcome of the requested spending.  They will be asked for, and then will present metrics, or a presumed study of return on investment (ROI) and typically the elected leadership falls for it hook, line and sinker.

A perfect example was during a consideration of funding for the MSU extension office in Grand Traverse County when I was an elected commissioner.  County commissioners were given plenty of reading materials by the MSU advocates to show us that for every dollar spent we would see a result of $17 in benefit to the county.  The calculations as it turned out were premised on a ‘guess,’ that was then multiplied by a compounding analysis program that is used by MSU intellectuals, that relies on ‘guesses’ for the input variables.

Go. State.   ..  Yay.

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Law Enforcement Out in Front For MacMaster

This tidbit just crossed the desk.

LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS ENDORSE MACMASTER: Twenty of northern Michigan’s law enforcement officials on Thursday announced their endorsement of Rep. Greg MacMaster (R-Kewadin) in his bid for the 37th Senate District seat.

Sen. Howard Walker (R-Traverse City) is the current seat holder, but announced last year that he would not seek reelection. Mr. MacMaster faces a primary challenge from House colleague Rep. Wayne Schmidt (R-Traverse City) for the seat.

The endorsements came from sheriffs in Cheboygan, Luce, Oscoda, Grace, Chippewa, Benzie, and Montmorency counties, as well as former Kalkaska County Sheriff Al Hart. The chiefs of police in Central Lake, Bellaire, and St. Ignace were also part of the endorsement.

From what I understand other law enforcement officials have indicated support, but are not willing to issue official endorsements due to an active phone campaign by Wayne Schmidt.

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A Nation Of Takers – Divertere?

The worst part of Rick Snyder’s MASSIVE expansion of the MEDC, and the plans in the works for the rewarding of Michigan business to resettle in Detroit, is that the money comes from elsewhere.

Central planning under ANY pretty name is STILL central planning.


This video by AEI is entertaining, and the messaging is spot on.  Any 8 year old could understand, but will our legislators?

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Bankrupt – Detroit, Bailouts

“Decisions have consequences” as told in the newest movie by FTR productions & MrSmithMedia.

Rick snyder is about to give away $350 Million in taxpayer money to ‘save’ the DIA.  Not because Michiganians around the state made the mistake of financial mismanagement, but because of continually unaddressed cronyism, criminality and fraud within Detroit, and its leadership.

The Documentary addresses Detroit, the auto bailouts, and the reasons things have gone terribly terribly wrong. It will offer a precautionary tale for those who might wish to follow Rick Snyder down the continual slippery sloped that is Detroit, Michigan.

It premiers next week in Washington DC, and then will be available on Youtube.  Watch the teaser below!

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Unconstitutionality Of Energy Mandates

Conveniently, the bigger power concerns in the state capitulated to ridiculous 10% energy mandates during the Granholm administration.

In 2012, an even MORE ridiculous 25×25 requirement was promoted (and failed) as a constitutional amendment, in a state which has a monstrous electricity appetite as a leader in manufacturing.  Now as the legislature approaches the crossroads of [Oh gosh we can’t meet the 10%!] and [What the hell happened to electricity prices?] in Michigan, another 35% ‘mandate’ pusher shows up with a ‘conservative’ emphasis and the useful idiots who have already signed on.

As soon as Michigan State Representative Mike Shirkey announced a solid-as-steel return to electricity competition in our state, the rust of cronyism began eating away at the plan. Snyder stepped up the call for increased renewable energy in the midst of the current mandate meltdown, and a new shadow group was formed with friendly ‘conservative’ faces to front it. (see useful idiot mention above)

Sometimes however, its worth looking to other experts who have a different take on such things.

Are the mandates even legal?

Thanks to the TB912, and Dining Room productions for another useful and informative video.

And On a related note: Cap Con today, has another take on this.

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