Tag Archive for Michigan Gang Of Polyps

Tesla Motors: Round 2

Slick Rick along with Joe and Marcia Hune stepped in it this time.

The Federal Trade Commission on Monday strongly urged the Michigan state legislature to reconsider its ban on Tesla Motors Inc. and other automakers from directly selling vehicles to owners.

In a 10-page letter to Michigan State Sen. Darwin Booher, R-Evart, three senior FTC staff members urged the state to drop its long-standing bar to automakers selling vehicles directly to consumers, saying “Michigan’s consumers would more fully benefit from a complete repeal of the prohibition on direct sales by all automakers.” The commission voted 5-0 in favor of the comments.

rick-snyder-the-calley-crusherThe letter came after Booher asked the FTC about a pending Michigan Senate bill that would create a limited exception to state law that would allow manufacturers of “autocycles” — enclosed three-wheelers that are more like cars than motorcycles — to sell vehicles in some circumstances. But the FTC said the Senate bill “does not go far enough,” and would “largely perpetuate the current law’s protectionism for independent franchised dealers, to the detriment of Michigan car buyers.”

Booher’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. The bill was introduced April 15 and referred to the state Senate economic development committee, which has taken no action.


But, I don’t want everyone to get too down on our Lansingcritter’s moronic displays of legislative prowess. Remember, they went to public schools.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Gotta Give Fatboy Some Credit

Just some.

Read all about it here.

Now a brief reminder of our Michigan Automobile Dealers Associations’ schwantz-swallowers.

Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for any of them.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Nonagenarian Making Sure the Action of the Party “Really Means Nothing”

One can safely say that Little Ronna failed her first test as chair with the Progressive Romney/Rockefeller wing of the MIGOP demonstrating they can still call themselves Republican when they will not uphold the Party Platform defining marriage between one man and one woman.

TwoRINOsYep. Constitution be damned, too. I’d like to be able to write-off the above as Willy milquetoast showing signs of senility, however, the old bastard was only a few comrades short of being a Trotskyite’s wet dream when he was young. Same goes for his Margaret Sanger abortion funding late wifey.

Next stop *marrying* sons and polygamy.

Ps. don’t anyone in the MIGOP act as if George and Nelson are so far removed from the Party by time when this guy started it all.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(6)

Wednesday Edition: Our Tax Dollars at Work…

Read for yourself: http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?2015-HR-0026

Helluva job you’re doing there, Dave.

roach-motelDave is the owner of the Portage based real estate appraisal firm Maturen & Associates Inc. He holds a Michigan Certified General Real Estate Appraiser license, a Real Estate Broker license and the SR/WA designation from the International Right of Way Association (IRWA). He held a Level 3 Assessor Certificate for over 30 years. Dave worked for 13 years for the Property Tax Division of the State Treasury Department.

Dave served on the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners for 12 years and was chairman from 2012 to 2014. Prior to that he was a Brady Township (Kalamazoo County) Trustee for 14 years.

What an asset. Heavy on the ass part.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(2)

Yo, Mrs. Kirk?

Um, your endorsement, ma’am… well, I just threw-up a little in my mouth here.

Do they make their decisions based on sound conservative thought, or do they make their decisions based on short-term political pressures and opportunism?

As I see the score to, Mrs. Kirk’s question… sound Conservatism: 0 – Expediency: 1, and Opportunism: 1 because .. reasons.
NOTE: One half of the 2012 ticket, which neither carried their *home state*, has had an epiphany.

You Betcha! (32)Nuh Uh.(3)