Now, how do you suppose THAT got there?
One of my sources tipped me off to an interesting turn of events last night regarding Prop 1.
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Now, how do you suppose THAT got there?
One of my sources tipped me off to an interesting turn of events last night regarding Prop 1.
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What happens when the threat of permanence is no more?
It occurred to me recently, that we may be seeing the first potentially lasting effects of Michigan’s relatively new Right-to-Work status.
On March 12, 2015, it was announced that NMC faculty had surprisingly decided to subject itself to union dues and contracts negotiated by third parties on their behalf.
TRAVERSE CITY –The Michigan Employment Relations Commission has certified the election and a majority of eligible faculty who voted have decided that all non-supervisory, full-time and part-time appointed faculty will be in a collective bargaining unit represented by the Michigan Education Association.
Northwestern Michigan College will begin negotiations with the Michigan Education Association for an agreement that will cover wages, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment for this group.
“Northwestern Michigan College will begin negotiations with the Michigan Education Association.” Check.
Otherwise known as “What's good for thee, but not for me (con’t).
Breaking from the republican kakistocracy’s latest rope-a-dope on the Grassroots (aka Dave Agema’s “controversial comments” brouhaha), it is important to note that Governor’s Snyder’s plot to raise the Michigan Sales Tax 16.7% is beginning to pick up a few supporters.
On the plus side; So is the opposition.
And what interesting bedfellows are beginning to appear.
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The first complaint about an attack ad by Michigan Democrats against 104th Candidate Larry Inman comes from where?
A political attack television ad aired in the 104th district (which covers Grand Traverse County in its entirety) is drawing an immediate call for its removal. Not from candidate Inman, but by his opponent.
An advertisement that suggests Republican Larry Inman is out of touch, voted for tuition increases as a university trustee, supports higher taxes, and is guilty by association with those who voted to raise property and pension taxes is under fire by the person who would benefit from such ads. Betsy Coffia, a Democrat who has sworn off PAC money and these types of ads says “We have committed to running a positive campaign, and we consider negative ads to be part of the problem, instead of part of the solution.”
Coffia then goes on to ask supporters to call the Democrat state party directly and ask them to remove the ads.
OK Teach. This is what your dues pay for.
Why is the MEA losing members hand over fist?
Could it be because even sans a single debate between Gary Peters and Terri Lynn Land, they pick Peters; the Democrat? And without a hug fest tournament with Rick Snyder and Mark Schauer, they choose to embrace The Democrat over the fake Republican. And lacking a single face to face political death match between Democrat Phil Belfy and liberal, Wayne Schmidt, the choice is Democrat. Even Jerry Cannon, a Democrat, gets the love while Republican Dan Benishek is strangely absent from the MEA ‘preferred’ collection below.
Naw.. The appearance of the MEA office as a branch office of the local Democrat party is purely coincidental.
Look for the union label, which if that floats one’s sinking boat… work it fo da chil’ren, sista!
The outspoken Brown – named running mate of Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer more than two months ago – expressed empathy with retired teachers at the West Michigan MEA-Retired Chapter at a luncheon gathering.
“I know it’s not a 9-to-5 job, and I know it’s not a nine-month-a-year job, either,” she said. “There’s some people in the state who feel that educators are evil. That’s really the feeling that seems to come out of Lansing all too often.”
Isn’t it odd that Lisa didn’t get in there that they start Teaching at 17. Ouch! Is that just a cheap shot at Terri List? No, not so much as she received …wait for it… a public education. C’mon, I’m no monster, I “feel their pain“. So, how bad is it for the Michigan Democratic Party? It’s so bad that all they can do is reach out to their base that is bankrupting cities and burying states in debt all across this nation. Seen Michigan’s liability just for teachers lately? Many players on “Team R” are complicit, too.
Exit question. What can Brown do for you? Perhaps, make an alleged Republican legislature grow a pair when there’s an actual card carrying Democrat in the governors office. They sure as Hell have no balls with the Bill Milliken v2.0 in office now. This November is going to be a choice between two losers for governor no matter which way the mop flops.