source #Grubered
I hate smug, duplicitous Republicans.
***Update*** from Rick’s li’l buddy, “the conservative voice™” via Facebook.
Team work…

source #Grubered
I hate smug, duplicitous Republicans.
***Update*** from Rick’s li’l buddy, “the conservative voice™” via Facebook.
Team work…
Snyder and Schauer both wrong; potential revenue lost to schools is a billion dollars a year via @MichiganRadio
— Lester Graham (@MichiganWatch) October 23, 2014
Well, what else would one expect from a number-cruncher who pilfered millions to play with dead babies?
Maybe, oh I dunno, like buy a computer directly from Gateway?
As if yesterday’s lobbyist funded stupidity or, being caught up in ongoing no-bid payola was not enough, Snyder takes it upon himself to trot out the state’s low-rent versions of Ron Klain, and Tom Frieden… without any further delay …the Nerd’s 1,000 beds schtick.
Flanked by Michigan Department of Community Health Director Nick Lyon and Chief Medical Executive Mathew Davis — who are leading Michigan’s Ebola response — Snyder said Michigan has launched an expansive preparedness effort though not a single case of Ebola has been detected in the state.
“Ebola is hopefully a low threat, low-risk problem in the state of Michigan, but it’s a serious one,” Snyder said. “This is an evolving situation … (and) we’re preparing to adjust as circumstances change.”
Among steps taken so far, Michigan’s Community Health Emergency Coordination Center has been activated, as well as the Michigan State Police Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division.
The Department of Community Health has been in daily contact with the federal Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention. State health officials also have coordinated several statewide conference calls with hospitals, including a briefing on new infection control protocols released Tuesday by the CDC.
The state is working with ambulance services statewide to make sure emergency medical technicians are properly trained to transport Ebola patients, said Davis, Michigan’s chief doctor.
The CDC is developing a network of regional hospitals designated to receive Ebola patients, but has not yet named a Michigan hospital to participate, he said.
Jeez, why would that be? Mmmm, maybe just 23 beds from coast to coast.
“Whether Michigan will have a regional Ebola treatment center is a matter of ongoing discussion with the CDC,” Davis said.
Davis and Snyder urged all Michiganians to get flu shots, noting symptoms of flu could mask the symptoms of Ebola, which include vomiting, diarrhea and fever.
Flu shots? Ya, that’s the ticket (see bullet point #10).
Sleep well knowing Barack and Rick got this handled.
What utter crap Lansing, and Snyder’s talking-heads are peddling to these nurses.
Nurses in Michigan and nationwide charged Wednesday they are not adequately prepared to care for Ebola patients, lacking both the training and proper equipment to deal with the deadly disease.
The Michigan Nurses Association called on Gov. Rick Snyder for greater leadership, even as state agencies and the Michigan State Police stepped up efforts to prepare for a possible outbreak.
Snyder spokesman Dave Murray said the administration is pushing the group for details about the complaints because its “statements are very general and broad.”
The state Department of Community Health said Wednesday it continues to follow the situation in Texas.
“The governor was 100 percent correct when on Oct. 9 he said all hospitals were equipped to do isolation work per the Centers for Disease Control requirements at that time,” department spokeswoman Jennifer Smith said.
CDC? Oh, that’s rich. The fact is The State (government) is lying to everyone.
So let’s look at that infrastructure.
There are, in fact, a total of four medical isolation units in the entire United States, as we noted yesterday, that are capable of handling infected Ebola patients near endlessly.
Where are they, and what can they handle?
Emory University’s Serious Communicable Disease Unit is in Atlanta, GA. That’s where Brantly and Writebol were treated. It has three beds.
St. Patrick Hospital’s ICU Isolation Unit is in Missoula MT. It has three beds.
The National Institute of Health’s Special Clinical Studies Unit is in Bethesda MD. It has seven beds.
And the biggest, the Nebraska Medical Center’s Biocontainment Unit is in Omaha NE. It has ten beds.3+3+7+10=23 beds, coast to coast.
So, where did they just transport Dallas Nurse #1? If you guessed Maryland – Bingo!
More… this Ebola stuff sounds like a whole bag of fun, yes?
H/t Wirecutter
Michigan Paid Up Only 55% Of Enrolled in ACA
The number of paid enrollment across the country is bad enough but in Michigan only about half have opened their wallets.
Michigan’s number is less than the 67% national percentage of enrolled + paid ACA participants in the federal exchanges. (note the 67% may change soon as Oregon joins the federal program, currently with 0 participants) That 67% figure undermines the 8 million number that the administration says are signed up, resulting in just over 5 million to date having signed up and paid.
In Michigan only 55% of enrollees in the ACA have opened their wallets. And along with those 55%, there are some other numbers that stand out; Of the under 18 year olds, only 6% are enrolled and paid, the 18-25 year olds only 10%. Given that the plan to fund the ACA was with these healthy young specimens paying their fair share up front, this is going to pose a little problem for ongoing operation of this scam. Heck, even the 26-35 demographic has only a 17% E & P.