LARA instruction clarifies the intent of Michigan to keep its citizens SICK
This is not a drill.
In the email inbox today is an instruction to physicians to REPORT any use outside of the ‘normal’ (accepted use) of hydroxychloroquine or lose their licenses. The following is the exact text: and available on their FB page as well
Dear Licensed Prescribers and Dispensers:
The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs has received multiple allegations of Michigan physicians inappropriately prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine to themselves, family, friends, and/or coworkers without a legitimate medical purpose.
Prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine without further proof of efficacy for treating COVID-19 or with the intent to stockpile the drug may create a shortage for patients with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or other ailments for which chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are proven treatments. Reports of this conduct will be evaluated and may be further investigated for administrative action. Prescribing any kind of prescription must also be associated with medical documentation showing proof of the medical necessity and medical condition for which the patient is being treated. Again, these are drugs that have not been proven scientifically or medically to treat COVID-19.
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(21)Nuh Uh.