There is no better way to control human activity.
The Islamists continue with their version of winning.
For years we have endured the growing personal invasions into our privacy in our communications and our travels. The latter compounded by the rampant moronity of overpaid security guards with “authoritah” feeling up little old ladies, the handicapped, and little kids to avoid the appearance of racial or ethnic ‘bias.’
Our way of life has changed, and our liberty has been indeed exchanged for a modicum of security. Ironically, at the same time admitting more of the problem into our communities; the very ideology that has destroyed nations, slaughtered innocents, and subjugated women and men for 1400 years.
Because we are enlightened, and ‘compassionate.’ And now Michigan, somehow appears to recognize it is at risk, missing that particular ‘irony’ even while it embraces the potential for more of the same.
It should come as no surprise that the Mackinac Bridge authority has determined “Nous sommes Français”.