Laying the groundwork for closing down In Person voting.
“I am pleased to continue to work with the Legislature to codify significant Executive Orders that help Michiganders cope with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Governor Whitmer. “These bills will give Michigan residents peace of mind and reduce the amount of person to person interaction necessary when renewing licenses and registrations.”
“We are grateful for the support of the Legislature and Governor Whitmer in our work to ensure essential transactions can be conducted in our branch offices in a way that balances the health of staff and customers with the needs of Michigan drivers,” said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. “We have been continually assessing the safest way to maintain branch operations and this legislation will go a long way toward those efforts.”
This leaves 34 days until the election so, for anyone with reasonable intellect, one sees this provides the Democrats opportunity to move the goalposts, again.