Leftist indoctrination centers long on cash, yet short on real value.
Michigan’s state constitution does not specify a value when it mandates the support of our colleges and universities.
§ 4 Higher education institutions; appropriations, accounting, public sessions of boards.
Sec. 4.
The legislature shall appropriate moneys to maintain the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Wayne State University, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan College of Science and Technology, Central Michigan University, Northern Michigan University, Western Michigan University, Ferris Institute, Grand Valley State College, by whatever names such institutions may hereafter be known, and other institutions of higher education established by law. The legislature shall be given an annual accounting of all income and expenditures by each of these educational institutions. Formal sessions of governing boards of such institutions shall be open to the public.
Shall appropriate moneys.
How much? It could be $1 million each school, money for a truck, or other provision that ‘maintains’ in someway the universities and colleges in our state. But instead, we punish our taxpayers, and frankly our social norms by paying nearly 2 Billion a year for that which kills our culture and promotes leftist ideology.
And Michigan has Republican dominated Legislatures and Executive offices. go figure.
The slide into values negative programming was so obviously nearly complete when we discovered the University of Michigan was spending $85 million of our hard earned resources to promote a false vision of diversity.