Former cow box king joins the losers club.
There are Republicans, and there are those who abuse the title so they can assume power.
Power is the aspiration of the leftist. And even ‘nice’ leftists want to have power so they can perform their niceness on the population. Benevolence and ‘caring’ are more important than the truth and harshness and character building of real life.
And heaven forbid anyone is a bully. Pusscakes Snyder, noted abortionatarian and politically cross dressing slide-rule sucker is following his mentor BK Bill, and John Kasuck into the oblivion of former governors who were elected as Republicans but proved the point that even a chicken can dress as a dog.
The Two Term Michigan serial Killer, nerd funder, and Obamacare expander is the latest to dislike that big bully president Donald J Trump.
“A great leader treats people with respect even when they present different opinions. Without a variety of views and opinions, we would have no innovation or creativity in our nation. Being a bully and being strong are not the same thing. Being strong is standing up for your convictions. Being a bully is trying to intimidate those who are perceived to be weaker or a threat. As a proud nerd, I had to deal with bullies over many years; it is tragedy watching our world suffer from one.”
I suppose one might take a lesson from this.
He did not get enough swirlies.