Tag Archive for Gretchen Whitmer

Deh Skeered

Like clockwork….

On March 27th Michelle Obama is hitting the campaign trail in the key battleground state of Michigan claiming that she is just trying to boost voter turnout.

Michelle Obama is co-chair for the group “When We All Vote,” and is going to host a rally at the University of Detroit, the tickets are free, but it is not open to the general public.

Anyhoo, welcome baaaaaaaaaaaaack.

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Windsock Whitmer Afraid of Upsetting Sanders Supporters

It’s obvious that Gretchen knows she is wildly unpopular even within her own rigged primary party.

The first-term governor made the comments a day after former Vice President Joe Biden won a majority of the 14 states that voted on Super Tuesday and six days before Michigan’s Tuesday election.

Who is Whitmer trying to kid? It’s as if Gretchen thinks Michiganians are either stupid or have short memories.

Sorry Bernie, you ain’t getting Gretchen’s endorsement.

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Whitmer to Assist Trump Administration Deportation Schedule

Whitmer To Document Undocumented (illegal) aliens)

Wait …What?

Apparently, Michigan Governor Whitmer would like to collect addresses for all of the illegal population in the Mitten State.  She is advocating the collection of such addresses in the way cops used to invite criminals to a party in their honor.  By giving them the chance to show up and identify themselves.  from the Lansing State Journal:

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer appeared to support a change in state law to issue driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants in an impromptu interview given to an immigrants rights organization during the Democratic presidential debates in Detroit.

“We need to ensure that everyone’s got a path to getting a license, so they’ve got identification,” Whitmer, a Democrat, said in a video released by the group Movimiento Cosecha, after an organizer for the group asked her if she favored issuing driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants.

“That’s something that’s important to me, it’s important to our economy, and it’s important to the people of Michigan.”



Fire up the FOIA mill, and alert ICE. We’ll have them right where we want them.


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2023 Is On The Ballot Tuesday, Not Trump

Your Vote Tuesday Will Determine Political Control in 2023

A lot of Michigan’s independents and weak Republicans are planning on voting against President Trump on Tuesday.  They are being very short sighted.  Actually shooting themselves in the foot.  They will not get another chance to influence Michigan politics or our economy for a decade or more.

Few analysts are predicting that the Democrats will take control of the Michigan Senate on Tuesday, but quite a few are saying that the Democrats have a good shot at taking the Michigan House.  Polls show Bill Schuette at some disadvantage to Gretchen Whitmer in the Governor’s race.  Those same polls are projecting easy wins for Proposal 2018-02, the Democratic Party redistricting coup, and Proposal 2018-03, the voting fraud promotion plan.

Keep in mind that Governors tend to get reelected, so if Whitmer wins on Tuesday, she could well be in charge out to the end of 2026.  Projecting another lost decade for the Michigan economy is entirely reasonable.  Taxes and regulation will skyrocket.

But the Democrats won’t win the State Senate, they say.  They are being very short sighted.  Democrats will win the Senate, but not until 2022.  Here is why:

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Michiganders Deserve the Truth on Illegal Immigration

The gubernatorial race reveals stark differences between the candidates.

As thousands of migrants march their way up through Mexico intent on overrunning our Southern order, the issue of illegal immigration has become center stage in the race for governor of Michigan as Republican Bill Schuette hammers away at his opponent, Democrat candidate Gretchen Whitmer, and her radical support for dismantling America’s borders.

Whitmer’s support for open borders (a euphemism for ‘no borders’), sanctuary cities, and amnesty became even more evident last week as the two candidates faced off in a debate. Schuette’s positions were clear and rock solid. He boldly said that if elected, there will be “no sanctuary cities in Michigan.” Whitmer, on the other hand, has advocated for the undoing and abolishing of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), and her extremist running mate, Detroit activist Garlin Gilchrist, suggested that the Department of Homeland Security should be removed, a move that would leave America unprotected.

In the past, Whitmer has said that open borders were “fundamental” to who we are as Americans. She has promised to sue the federal government to have National Guard troops removed from our Southern Border. But this past week, when confronted with her position on critical issues, Whitmer dodged and weaved, refusing to answer questions about her support for harboring criminal aliens in sanctuary cities, instead pivoting to claims that Mr. Schuette’s positions were “extreme.”

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Team Whitmer ashamed of their lt governor pick.

Gretchen Whitmer’s teammate Garlin Gilchrist really really really doesn’t like to debate.

He must find it to be a little scary.  That or the boss knows he will drag her chances for a win to the floor.  Three strikes and yer out!  The last three times it didn’t go so well, and Gilchrist didn’t win as candidate for city clerk.

The Schuette campaign was hoping that Garlin Gilchrist  would agree to debate Lisa Lyons at least once.  If only so that voters could see how well this man with no governmental oversight or legislative experience might do when put under the slightest of pressure.

So instead of pressuring Gretchen Whitmer’s BEST PICK for Lt. Governor relentlessly, the Schuette campaign has released as a public service, a list of each debate he has already engaged in, so that Michigan’s voting public can make an informed choice on November 6.

See them by going below the fold.

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What Is Truly Important

I was reminded today of the real treasure Gretchen Whitmer has become. (H/T CS)

In this video she singlehandedly takes on the novelty lighter cartel.  “Novelties are like toys!” She says eagerly playing with them to demonstrate how easily a child is transfixed by such captivating shapes and sounds.  The danger we all face as a consequence is just too much!

If you throw up in your mouth a little knowing this person could possibly be the next governor for our great state?

I’m sorry.

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Damned Straight

Schuette fights 'misleading' health care claim, attacks Whitmer's vote cutting AG rate oversight

It had to happen eventually.

The theft by BCBS of Michigan of BILLIONS in taxpayer dollars may now be looked at a little more closely. And all it took was much of that money being used to promote Gretchen Whitmer’s candidacy for governor.

Whitmer,  who’s father once ran Blue Cross, has been working the former insurer-of-last-resort for Michigan for her campaign finances.  Her actions with regard to policy have reflected the cozy connection that has existed between her and the organization that controlled over $4billion in cash reserves as Michigan’s protected underwriter.

Bill Schuette rightly called out Whitmer today for this relationship, raising so many questions about who Gretchen Whitmer has been working for.  Is it the well connected fat cats who run health care policy with billions of taxpayer funded dollars? Or is it the taxpayers, who have seen their premiums skyrocket, and insurance worsen by her actions?

Corruption is real. There is big money in healthcare.  It would be a huge mistake for anyone to assume that because she is a Democrat, that it ain’t about taking the money.

Bill Schuette on Monday:

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Coming up next: Christians against Christ!

In a move that I heard rumblings about them for some time now, but felt they had slightly more of a chance of existing than, say, The Nain Rouge, Dogman, The Little Blue Man or even Luke The Spook, The Detroit News reported today that a group calling themselves “Republicans and Independents for Whitmer” have finally made their existence known.

Yes, the name is exactly what is says, although the “republicans” in the aforementioned name aren’t even on the radar when it comes to promoting anything even remotely close to Conservative Values.

Calling them RINO’s would actually be a complement to them.

I’m a little pressed for time today and have to keep this short, but will share one quick quite from Sen. Shirkey and Rep. Chatfield on these knuckleheads before I have to run.

“Anyone claiming to be a ‘Republican for Whitmer’ is someone opposed to lower taxes, limited government and fiscal responsibility.”

I will be touching on that glaringly obvious problem within the Michigan GOP and expanding on this post a little later.


Who loves ya, baby!

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