Weiser appears ready to distance himself from Devos funded 'Great Lakes Education Project' and the radical activities of its MAIN MAN.
Or not.
We can be fair here. I have never had a problem with those from all side airing out their concerns (until it becomes redundant and unnecessary torture) on these pages. In an attempt to set the record straight before next weekend’s main event, Ron Weiser addresses the specific rumors/charges/accusations made against him in an email blast that we reprint in whole below the fold.
In the mean time, lets allow the spirit of his writing put the pressure on those in the MiGOP apparatus who are insane enough to disagree with the esteemed Mr Weiser on some very KEY points. Weiser is clear enough in his letter, so that we know that:
- Homosexual marriage is a bad idea Mmk? Ron is quite obviously PRO Traditional marriage, and he is standing up and saying so. If you are PRO Homo (GHEY ‘marriage’) You are a BAD Republican. Obviously.
- Common Core is also BAD Mmk? Ron expressly disagrees with his wife, and is willing to endure interesting dinner conversations to stand on his principles. That crazy common core is wrecking our education system and he’ll quarter NONE of it at U of M, and states he would actively oppose it.
- GLEP and its Devos funded operator Greg McNeilly supports both of these, and Ron says will no longer be supporting GLEP financially, and has not since 2008. BRAVO! Greg McNeilley, who supports (and participated in) both Ghey ‘Marriage’ and Common Core, promotes the top two items through GLEP and his own personal PUBLIC displays, and THAT is enough for Ron Weiser who opposes GLEP and the Devos hired pop-gun McNeilley and his mechanization within the Republican party. Weiser and McNeilly, and perhaps McNeilly’s paycheck, DeVos by extension, must surely be natural enemies.
We are with you Mr Weiser. You gotta be careful who you hang with.
However, in the future, please feel free to be more direct and name names a little faster Ron. You know who they are, but we had to put the connected dots out there for you. No need to be coy, Mr Regent-to-be.
The letter as promised, in its entirety for full context below.