Start the week off RIGHT.
Contagious Transformation – On second thought, I’m thinking that isn’t quite right…
Dave Lambert – Troy To Take Transit Station Title I’ve been following this. Perhaps we take a look at how it all developed soon.
Doug Sedenquist – Agema Rescinds Weiser Endorsement. Tis the season.
Grassroots in Michigan – Latest ‘Wes Press’ This is an interesting floor battle shaping up. In the end is it REALLY about Calley, or is it about Snyder and more progressivism? Wes Nakagiri talks about the role of Delegates.
Keith Almli – My rebuttal to Paul Neumier slamming tea party/Ron Paul supporters
Capitol Confidential – Union Dues Skim stopped at US Supreme Court. We still argue there are folks that should be behind bars for this.
Do you have some blogs that are missed? Drop a comment!