Tag Archive for God

Some Other Thoughts

courser-gamratA little unique perspective can be very helpful.

I don’t think any of you need to be told what to think, but it is not hard to imagine that many (like myself), like to hear other well reasoned opinions about the more difficult topics of the day.  Occasionally, we might even have an epiphany.  So when Isabelle Terry wrote RightMi.com with the following:

There is a saying in Lansing: What happens in Lansing after 5 PM stays in Lansing.

It is a small suburb of Vegas in the debauchery sense.

Deals over taxpayer money suddenly turn to deals over acts of heterosexual sex, homosexual sex (likely more rampant than the heterosexual sex judging by the huge numbers of effeminate men romping around the MIGOP) and drugs use. The politicos are sluts in money, power, and physical highs.

Players play, secrets are kept.

That is… unless you are speaking the truth.

You Betcha! (35)Nuh Uh.(6)

Drop That 501(c)3 And Resist.

Constitutional scholar puts it in plain English.

Constitutional scholar KrisAnne Hall lays out the route to protect your missions from the overreach of the federal government.

She advises churches to drop the tax exempt status and go by God’s higher law.  Let the government prosecute, if they can – after your churches have rid themselves of the dependence on the government that carries with it the means to punish you. This would be a final test to the constitution that was crafted by brilliance but through divine providence

KrisAnne will be at the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City Michigan August 02, and will likely have much to say on this topic and more.

Get your tickets to the Property Rights and Liberty Event today. A lousy $20 gets you in the door.  Well worth it to figure out how to make the best of the situation that has devolved so quickly in our once great nation.

May God bless this state and nation once again.

May God bless you all.

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(2)

God, Country, Family.

Memorial Day - Honoring our fallen and departed.

flag-stonesToday we reflect on those who stood ready to defend this country, its ideals, and what it has promised for so long.

We give thanks to our maker for giving them to us, and in appreciation pray that they meet Him as will His people in the promise of eternal life through His name Jesus Christ.  Our nation, founded upon a Judeo-Christian basis has been the beacon of the world since it’s inception.

We honor our fallen for their loyalty, and honor, faith, and love for a nation that holds the promise of true liberty, and sanctity of family that was given and blessed by God.  Throughout times when our nation has struggled with its faith and tradition, those who fought for us and defended us remained steadfast till the time when they moved to a higher place.

Our gratitude is ongoing.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)


“Ordinary people who faithfully, diligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results.” ~ David Bednar

One of the diseases of liberal progressivism, is the unraveling of the moral construct which binds out families together.

We have seen the ravages of progressivism in our urban centers.  We have seen the moral decay reach outside of those places as well, destroying the family institution. We know however, that strong, intact families are not only statistically more stable, but serve God best through his design. Broken and malformed families only serve other masters, as witnessed by Mallory Millet, who writes at Front Page Mag:

“..  We gathered at a large table as the chairperson opened the meeting with a back-and-forth recitation, like a Litany, a type of prayer done in Catholic Church. But now it was Marxism, the Church of the Left, mimicking religious practice:

“Why are we here today?” she asked.
“To make revolution,” they answered.
“What kind of revolution?” she replied.
“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.
“By destroying the American family!” they answered.
“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.
“By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.
“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
“By taking away his power!”
“How do we do that?”
“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
“How can we destroy monogamy?”

Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears.  Was I on planet earth?  Who were these people?

“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they resounded.


You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

My Two Dads

I have to face it, without my two dads I would be a very different man.

Most people who know me, understand that I shy away from that which is politically correct.

This Fathers Day, it seemed to be an excellent time to reinforce that understanding, and offer a view that may not be widely held. Try as I might, I can no longer disguise the fact that I have not one, but two fathers; each of whom are so incredibly important, that the loss of either one would leave me in a state of severe depression.fathersday

Both of my fathers have cared for me since I was young, somehow knowing what to provide for my brothers and I, and always making sure we had what was needed. Though they did not always provide the things that we wanted, there is no question we were never without the essentials, and those necessary things were given with unconditional love, and often a touch of sacrifice.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)