Tag Archive for Gerrymandering

Don’t Say We Didn’t Tell You So

The fallout from Michigan's prop 2 is clear as milk.

Prop 2 was a disaster in the making.

Controlling the process was never going to be neutral, and clearly the control would be in the hands of whichever party controls the elections, the questionable Jocelyn Benson.

We have pointed this out in the past with a series of videos, and now the outcome draws near.  The Michigan Republican Party in trying to ascertain the nature of the process being designed by our current Secretary of State for the NEW Gerrymandering schemes is being stonewalled with ridiculous FOIA fees. From the Detroit News:

The Secretary of State’s office estimated it would cost $45,904 to process an initial Freedom of Information Act request that sought “a vast amount of information” from the department, Chief Legal Director Michael Brady told the Michigan GOP in a June 7 letter.

The state used a “conservative” labor estimate to calculate a $10,049 fee for a “narrowed, but still very broad” second request, Brady said in a separate letter denying a Republican Party appeal.

All they want is an unadulterated explanation from documents addressing the process being formulated from the Sec of State.

Real transparency.

And as many who are familiar with FOIA might know, the cost is supposed to be premised on the labor rates of the lowest paid clerical workers who can perform the task.  This suggests one of two possibilities; that the clerical workers in the state are grossly overpaid, OR that Benson’s office isattempting to keeps it’s motivations and early planning from the people of the satet for political reasons.

One or the OTHER.


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2023 Is On The Ballot Tuesday, Not Trump

Your Vote Tuesday Will Determine Political Control in 2023

A lot of Michigan’s independents and weak Republicans are planning on voting against President Trump on Tuesday.  They are being very short sighted.  Actually shooting themselves in the foot.  They will not get another chance to influence Michigan politics or our economy for a decade or more.

Few analysts are predicting that the Democrats will take control of the Michigan Senate on Tuesday, but quite a few are saying that the Democrats have a good shot at taking the Michigan House.  Polls show Bill Schuette at some disadvantage to Gretchen Whitmer in the Governor’s race.  Those same polls are projecting easy wins for Proposal 2018-02, the Democratic Party redistricting coup, and Proposal 2018-03, the voting fraud promotion plan.

Keep in mind that Governors tend to get reelected, so if Whitmer wins on Tuesday, she could well be in charge out to the end of 2026.  Projecting another lost decade for the Michigan economy is entirely reasonable.  Taxes and regulation will skyrocket.

But the Democrats won’t win the State Senate, they say.  They are being very short sighted.  Democrats will win the Senate, but not until 2022.  Here is why:

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Vote NO on Proposal 2

All of our informational videos made on Michigan's proposal 2 in one place.

All five of the videos created to let folks know what a disaster proposal 2 would be for Michigan. The latest video is first. The remainder below.

The bottom line is that proposal 2 is merely a change to a different form of gerrymandering. One that does its best to exclude one side, and make the process irreversible by eliminating answerability to the voters.

If you value accountability in Michigan politics, you MUST make sure all of your friends and family members understand what is at stake.

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Proposal 2 backers don't want you to participate in the political process.

Proposal 2 is dangerous to the way in which we engage our political system.

‘Voters Not Politicians’ are a fraudulent front for outside interests.  While pretending to solve gerrymandering, it actually makes it worse, adds cost to state government,  and in the process prevents participation in the process of voting and campaign efforts.

It is bad for ALL parties though it is primarily being pushed by progressive interests from out of state.

Please share the video series broadly so that we can avoid the disaster that is proposal 2.

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