Well, here’s your chance.
Have another drink, Johnny.
You are the one who has run up $3.8+ Trillion in debt since being Speaker.
You Betcha!
(10)Nuh Uh.

Well, here’s your chance.
Have another drink, Johnny.
You are the one who has run up $3.8+ Trillion in debt since being Speaker.
Is responsible for spending another $3,800,000,000,000 as of December, 2014 – busts out with the taxpayer funded knee pads for another golfer.
Yep. Lemmings.
There are only 25 of any value to America, in D.C., the rest suck.
Rep. Amash, thank you for your NO VOTE.
Kerry, really? …just UFB
Ps. a question for CD-1 voters, are you proud of yourselves yet?