Tag Archive for FBI


Democrats turn the state into a banana republic.

The left knows that it’s ideas are generally rejected, in spite of pervasive media bombardment the up is down, bad is good, and certainly the inverse.

Instead of successfully lobbying the public with good ideas, or even providing proof that the principles of the Republican party are bad for the state, the oft inebriated Attorney General has unleashed the hammer of government on those who oppose her and her allies in Lansing. Instead of opposing specific policies, the use of the state’s policing mechanism has been weaponized like that of the FBI under lets go Brandon in its attack of all things Trump.

Never would I have imagined we would be in this place in my lifetime. And while I wait for the battering ram at my door, I think I will take up painting.

I call this one “Banana Boat”

Peace out.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Whitmer VS The FBI

The tactics of the nation's 'premier law enforcement' agency ..suck.

We probably told you so at some point.

If ever there was a time to harbor a little distrust in our government, it is at this point in history. Anyone in law enforcement who encourages, or sanctions the type of actions described in this video needs to be imprisoned.

It could be argued that this is not a constitutional government anymore.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

And yet, they continue telling us even more lies.

To say that keeping up on actual LEGITIMATE news recently is an understatement.

Between what has essentially become an increasingly deafening echo chamber from the cancel culture obsessed progressive media and their democrat party masters, actual bona fide news is still out there, just skillfully hidden from the masses.

From President Trump’s call to, um, I’m not sure exactly what it was he said to trigger the snowflakes in Congress. But whatever it was, it was sufficient to get them to pass one of the quickest bills I’ve ever seen in my lifetime and impeach him a second time. Great job at misdirection, BTW! All of the attention from last year’s election fraud was masterfully redirected elsewhere. Whew, that was a close one! Let the people’s agenda commence!

Say, how does that whole impeachment a second time work after the 20th anyways? The politicians pushing for this and the pundits were a little fuzzy with their logic.

In case anyone is still unsure about what Pres. Trump really said, feel free to watch the entire speech here (don’t worry, it won’t get banned anytime soon).

Then we have the ominous “unspecified threats, from unknown origin” calling for violence across America this week.

Does anyone know about any “protests” schedule this week, because I certainly have not heard of any? And I spent a better part of my day texting, e-mailing and calling people to get to the bottom of that.

Still, it’s amazing what turns up with just a little bit of digging.

{You know the drill}

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