Tag Archive for Endorsements

Inside Job

Just order the damned happy meal and be quiet.

Customer:     A Whopper with cheese please

BK Guy:    I think you would like the Big Mac better.

Customer:     Big Mac? Isn’t that McD’s?

BK Guy:    Yes.  They are quite good too.

Customer:     Is this BK selling Big Macs now for the McD’s next door?

BK Guy:    Oh.. Not really, but I am.  I just think that is a better choice.

Customer:     But you work here at BK?

BK Guy:    For about 60 years. Yessiree.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

Yawner – Liberal Former Michigan ‘Republican’ Governor Endorses Radical Liberal

Liars Lie. Milliken was never a true Republican anyhow.

Queue the ‘Republican’ governor endorsing the Democrat ..again.  ZZZZZZZ

From the Ivory tower:

Current and former governors of Michigan are either working for the Democratic candidate for president, Hillary Clinton, or have declined to endorse Trump in the race for the White House.

Former Gov. William Milliken, a moderate Republican from Traverse City, broke ranks over the weekend and is endorsing Clinton for the presidency.

Oh my, this has never happened before!

Well, maybe once before.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Freep Editorial Board Endorses ‘Slow Progressivism’

Seeing little difference, the Ivory Tower goes with the 'devil they know'

happy-snyderThe Detroit Free Press has joined liberal Bill Milliken in endorsing a continuation of Rick Snyder’s governorship.

Admitting that it prefers the more effective measures of sliding towards progressive goals, it endorsed Rick Snyder over Mark Schauer. The Ivory Tower editorial board suggests that it doesn’t think that Schauer can accomplish its wishes.

Schauer says he’ll shape state government according to the progressive values the Free Press Editorial Board believes are embedded in Michigan’s DNA — expansion of civil rights, protections for workers, environmental stewardship, plus investment in schools, roads and the social safety net.

But only one candidate could bring his agenda into practical, achievable focus. And so by the narrowest of margins, with keen reservations, the Free Press endorses RICK SNYDER for a second, four-year term as Michigan’s governor.

Of course when they say “his agenda,” they mean the governor’s.

However, for those of us who question the anti transparency veto, higher gas taxes, ‘cool cities’, trains, [Granholm agenda item[ NITC,  welfare expansion, growing the Michigan budget, Elliot Larsen signalling to special right pro-homosexual groups, bailouts to progressive bastions, and failure to fully defend Michiganians’ right to keep and bear arms? We see little difference.

We know they do too.




You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

RightMi.com Voting Recommendations Part 1

Suggestions for Michigan's congressional seats, Governor & Lt Governor, AG, SOS, and Prop 14-1

For the August 5th 2014 Republican Primary

First Congressional District – Dan Benishek vs. Alan Arcand

Rightmi.com recommendation is for Alan Arcand.

We have described in other articles here of the current incumbent’s inability to understand the power of congress. Elected as a ‘Tea Party’ candidate Dan Benishek failed on all levels of political activity, and fell in line with the worst of establishment Republicans earning the next to lowest conservative rating from the Heritage foundation of all Michigan’s Republicans, only second to noted RINO Fred Upton.

Arcand-CarBenishek’s service to the VA should have given him an especially good look at the inner workings of the VA, and as oversight for the last few years, it seems he is at least as culpable as the administration that Republicans are targeting on this issue. This neglect of our veterans would bite him in November when facing retired two star general Jerry Cannon who will capitalize on it. Democrats are COUNTING on Benishek being the GOP candidate.

Arcand on the other hand offers a fresh chance for Republicans to get it right. As a disabled vet, he takes the opposition tactic off the table. He understands Congress’ role as defined by the constitution, would not be afraid to withhold money from an out of control administration that has already threatened Upper Peninsula residents on the electrical grid alone.


Second Congressional District – Bill Huizenga vs. No Candidate

RightMi.com has no recommendation.


You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

The Duplicity Of Wayne Schmidt

Heads I win Tails You Lose. Now Go Ahead And Flip That Coin.

du·plic·i·ty [doo-plis-i-tee]
noun, plural du·plic·i·ties

deceitfulness in speech or conduct, as by speaking or acting in two different ways to different people concerning the same matter; double-dealing. Synonyms: deceit, deception, dissimulation, fraud, guile, hypocrisy, trickery. Antonyms: candidness, directness, honesty, straightforwardness.

MIFTW-logoRight To Work

Wayne Schmidt hemmed and hawed during the debate lead up in the right to work fight. As I was bringing a measure before our county commission to promote it, he was declaring it dead on arrival.  The measure simply called for Representative Schmidt and Senator Walker to support and move forward the Freedom to Work (right to work) legislation that was ultimately passed in late 2012.

Instead of embracing it or endorsing right to work, Schmidt would repeat the mantra that “its not a good time;” something that did not make any sense of course, as a full Republican majority in all areas of Michigan government is a rare occurrence.  If THAT was not a good time, what is?

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(0)

Ethics, Integrity, And Long Knives

wayne-afp009“He’s our hometown boy.” Said one of the executive committee members of a vote taken this last Thursday.

The vote, was one by the executive board of the Grand Traverse County Republican Party on whether to endorse State Senate Candidate Wayne Schmidt over Greg MacMaster in the 37th State Senate primary contest.  The vote to choose one candidate over another in partisan (GOP) races would normally be considered off the table except under extraordinary circumstances.  At least that is how it is designated in the by-laws of a number of other GOP county parties.

Questions must be asked.  Is it prudent or even a legitimate practice? Is it fair to the candidates?  Is it fair to the membership, and does it misrepresent the opinion of the party at-large?

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(4)